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Postal bonds, what happens to your money if you invest less than 2,000 euros: surprising


Many think that investing a small amount in postal savings bonds is useless, it’s not like that.

To invest a small amount through postal savings bonds and obtain excellent yields to maturity, just choose the right product.

In fact, Poste Italiane’s offer is very broad, and allows you to invest without excessive risks since, in any case, the capital is always guaranteed.

Furthermore, the 12.5% ​​tax rate on postal savings bonds makes it possible to obtain the best percentage of interest compared to equivalent financial products. Let’s see below which are the best products for investing a small amount in postal savings bonds.

Investing small sums in savings bonds: here’s how

The first bond that comes to the fore when we want to invest a small amount in postal savings bonds is the one with the highest yield to maturity.

This voucher is the one dedicated to minors, which if given to an unborn child can yield 4.50%. expiration.

Taking a child born in February 2023 as a reference, we will see that the 2,000 euro voucher given to him will have yielded a value of no less than 4,086.59 euros upon expiry (in 2041).

But if this represents the voucher with the highest yield on a small sum, there are excellent alternatives that still allow you to obtain a decent sum on maturity. Let’s see them.

Medium-term investment in BFP

As regards investments to be made in the medium term, we have First of all a 3 x 2 bond. It has a maximum duration of 6 years, with interest starting to accrue after 3 years.

In this case, by investing just 2,000 euros, it is possible to obtain a sum of 2,220.78 euros at maturity.

If, on the other hand, you want to use a 4-year simple savings postal savings bond, you will be able to obtain 2,181.68 euros on expiry. As can be seen from its name, this is a voucher that allows you to invest for a period of 4 years.

The 3-year Plus voucher also enters the framework of vouchers that can be purchased by anyone. It lasts three years and bears interest of 1.50% gross at maturity.

In this case, in fact, a sum of 2,000 euros will accrue at only 2,079.94 euros. For this reason, the two options listed above are recommended.

Invest 2,000 euros in the long term

By investing in the long term, earnings on postal savings bonds become much more interesting. In this case, the first voucher that must be taken into consideration is the classic 4×4 voucher.

It has a duration of 16 years and recognizes interest every four years. Upon expiry, i.e. after 16 years, a 2,000 euro 4×4 voucher will accrue interest on the capital amounting to more than one thousand euro, for a total of 3,058.23 euro.


Another very interesting voucher to consider in the long term is the ordinary voucher. This type of investment has a maximum duration of 20 years and pays interest every two months after the first year.

Once the voucher expires, we will therefore see that the value of 2,000 euros chosen by us will have yielded more than 1,100 euros. In particular, the sum at maturity will be 3,117.01 euros.

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