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Post office booklets, mockery of payments: not everyone knows this

If you intend to open a booklet with Poste Italiane it is good to know all the possible limits of payments related to the booklets, so as not to make unnecessary files

Poste Italiane booklets (Adobe photo)

The so-called booklets of savings continue to be a form of savings e investment much used by Italians. It is indeed a convenient system for set aside figures to which are added annually interests guaranteed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. But if you own a booklet, alone or with other people, you must also know where it is possible make the operations payment and withdrawal.

Poste Italiane allows you to to open a booklet is in shape traditional with a physical document on which the incoming and outgoing movements are recorded, both in form dematerialized both in the new form libretto Smart. If you have chosen the dematerialized form, the operations take place through the Carta Libretto. But what operations are possible?

Libretti Poste, which cannot be paid

post office payment
Post office payment (Adobe photo)

The clause relating to payments and withdrawals from the postal booklet is included in the FAQ available to everyone on the official site of Poste Italiane. Among the frequently asked questions is precisely that relating to possible amounts and where operations are possible. As stated in the answer, i payments which are carried out in cash e i withdrawals they’re available in all post offices. If you intend to withdraw more than 600 euros in one day, you can only do so using the Booklet paper if you do not carry out the operation in the post office where it is rooted the booklet. The reference to the post office of rooting of the Poste Italiane booklets is important.

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In fact, if withdrawals are actually possible in post offices for any sum, as long as the sum is in the availability of the front office you go to, if you have to deposit for example a check you can’t do it everywhere. In fact, checks can only be paid at the post office in rooting of the booklet itself. If you decide to pay a check know that you can do it with bank or cashier’s checks.

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Another system instead to be able to withdraw money is then to request a money order or a check but in this case some are applied commissions. If you want to withdraw you can also use the Carta Libretto as a ATM always respecting the limit of 600 euros per day or the other limit which is 2500 euros in a month.

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