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Post-aircraft protests: Videos show police violence against demonstrators in Iran

Police apparently use live ammunition and tear gas against demonstrators

Rescue workers in Iran fired live ammunition and tear gas at protesters in protests against the Iranian shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger plane. Videos verified by the news agency AP showed Monday a crowd of protesters in the square around the freedom tower (Asadi) in Tehran, into which a tear gas canister was thrown. People cough and try to escape the smoke. A woman shouts in Persian: “You fired tear gas at people. (…) Death to the dictator! “

On Saturday and Sunday, demonstrators in Tehran protested against the government’s day-long misinformation about the plane being shot down. They commemorated the victims, who were mostly Iranians and Canadians of Iranian origin. Rescue workers were also seen on the streets of the capital on Monday.

Another video shows a woman who is carried away after the event. A trail of blood runs on the floor. People around the woman shout that she was hit in the leg by live ammunition. “Oh my god, she doesn’t stop bleeding,” calls one person. “Connect that!” Calls another.

The Tehran government denied that the police had used weapons against the recent anti-government demonstrations. The security forces in Tehran “did not shoot at all” because they were given an “order to hold back”, said police general Hossein Rahimi.

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