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Possibly more than a hundred people in Kruisem infected by a GP … (Kruisem)

Zingem –

A general practitioner in Kruisem, East Flanders, may have infected more than a hundred patients with the corona virus by not wearing a mouth mask during consultations. The municipality is now headlongly organizing tests for affected patients.

Earlier it was announced that Kruisem would set up an additional test center, after the number of infections in the municipality suddenly rose sharply. The cause of this increase now appears to lie with the GP of the infected residents: LG apparently held consultations in recent weeks without taking the necessary precautions, such as (correctly) wearing a mouth mask.


This became apparent after the doctor in question took a positive test himself a few days ago. “We were informed of this. Immediately, all treated patients were considered high-risk contacts. It concerns dozens of people, ”said Mayor Joop Verzele. “Not following the mouth mask guideline is incomprehensible and irresponsible in these times. All patients involved have meanwhile been informed by the contact investigators and must be tested. ”

According to Verzele, the conscious GP is well aware of the grave mistake he has made. He has admitted that he was not wearing a face mask. I don’t want to pillory him, but not following the mouth mask directive is incomprehensible and totally irresponsible in these times. You can certainly expect more from medical care providers. “

Test center established

Kruisem hastily set up a corona testing center in the De Griffel meeting center in the Ouwegem district. “Of course it was all hands on deck to have enough test capacity as soon as possible,” emphasizes mayor Verzele. “With the test center, we also want to increase the capacity for corona tests in the region and reduce the pressure on other test centers.”

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