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Possible Return to the MCU through the Multiverse: Phil Coulson’s Story

We could have a new return in the MCU thanks to the multiverse.

The Avengers.

As you well know, the Marvel universe is growing more and more, new comics, new movies and new series come into our lives to feed the need we have to continue with the stories they offer us. Yes, many people don’t like superhero movies and specifically Marvel movies at all, then there are people like me, who enjoy each movie as if we were little children.

on this occasion We come to talk to you about a possible return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I think it goes without saying, but if you are not aware of this, this news contains spoilers, so don’t read any further if you haven’t seen the “Avengers” movies. Is Steve Rogers back as Captain America? Tony Stark offering one last dance as Iron Man? While this would be awesome, I’m sorry to say no, the actor who has dropped his possible return has been Clark Gregg, if his name does not ring a bell, I will tell you that it is Phil Coulson in the Marvel universe.

Nick Furia’s right hand could return

Let’s remember, Phil Coulson dies in the first Avengers movie, more specifically he is killed by Loki, Thor’s brother. That moment marked a turning point in the Marvel universe., we can say that it is one of the most important deaths, since due to this The Avengers decide to unite as a team to fight and protect the Earth from possible threats. Come on, we admit it, with Phil it all started.

Agent Coulson came back to life in the Agents of Shield TV series, however there is a big problem… This series is not canon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it really is still dead on in the movies. However, some small comments by the actor have shown that we may have the opportunity to see Coulson again in the movies.

A Marvel actor anticipates his possible return, although there is a big obstacle

A Marvel we have entered the phase that goes much deeper into the multiverse, we have been able to see it in movies like Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness, where we also see a Scarlet Witch broken by the loss of Vision or SpiderMan: No Way Home. In both we saw different versions of the protagonists, so we can affirm that there are also several versions of all Marvel characters, including Phil Coulson.

There’s always an opportunity, I mean… You know, it’s a multiverse.

This has taken place in an interview for Cosmic Circusduring a Comic Con. As you have seen just above these lines, the actor who plays Coulson has said that there is always a chance to returnreferring to the multiverse that Marvel presents to us in his films

2023-06-03 17:24:11
#Marvel #actor #anticipates #return #big #obstacle

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