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possible re-lockdown of the whole country

Hancock said there was a looseness in adherence to the rules this summer, but now there is a time for everyone to come back to them. – The nation is facing a tipping point and we have a choice. The choice is either everyone will follow the rules or we will have to take further action, he told Sky News.

In an interview with the BBC, he said that a new lockdown was a possible option. – I do not rule it out, although I do not want it. If everyone follows the rules, we will be able to avoid another nationwide blockade, he said.

Soaring infections in the UK

For two weeks, the number of detected coronavirus infections has been growing rapidly – in the balance sheets given on Friday and Saturday, it exceeded 4,000 for the first time since May 8. premier Boris Johnson declared the second wave epidemic it is inevitably coming and new restrictions may be necessary, though he has made a reservation that he does not want to introduce a nationwide blockade similar to the one in March.

Late Saturday evening, the British government announced that as of September 28, self-isolation by people who have been confirmed to be coronavirus or who have been identified as being in close contact with the infected will cease to be a recommendation and will become a legal requirement. Therefore, financial penalties will be introduced for those who do not comply – from 1,000 to even 10,000. in the case of subsequent offenses or exceptionally drastic cases of breaking the rules.

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Hancock was also asked about the statement by the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who said Friday night that new restrictions are more and more likely in the capital. “I spoke with the Mayor of London this week and the teams are meeting today to discuss further actions that may be needed,” replied the Minister of Health.

Current strategy rz±du assumes that additional restrictions should be introduced not throughout the country, but in cities or regions where local outbreaks of epidemics have been identified. However, these local restrictions already apply to areas inhabited by about 13.5 million people.

Coronavirus: all current information and recommendations on gov.pl

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