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Possible Protests Loom in New York Following Criminal Charges Against Trump

How are they going to impact?anna: what’s up!the big apple is readyto face protestsriots after learning of thejury indictmentinvestigator to former presidenttrump.the 36,000 police officers of thepolice guard securityin front of the trump towerwe make live contact untilmanhattan with our partnerhope ceballos.tells us how the situation is.hope: ana patricia,has definitely caused astir after this announcementof the formal accusation against theformer president.who is expected to appear onnext Tuesday at 2:15 pmwe contacted the department ofthe policethey told us that allcops are readyand they say that they go uniformedto be prepared in casethat there are protests.with this accusation they are expectedias, weeks or months ofdebate.have the right to appeal or go tothe supreme court put thistomorrow we saw the prosecutorborough of manhattan quenmade the accusation. trumpfaces 30 chargesfraud relatedcommercial after being accused ofpayfor silencing the actressstormy danielsfor allegedly holding arelationship. the investigation issince 2016 after thepresidential election.trump faces othersinvestigations byalso from geor in the capitoland the investigation ofjustice department asclassified documentsfound at home inFlorida. trump’s lawyersThey have said that they will defendhis client in court. trumphas said that he has not committednothing wrong newsunivision 41 will becovering this news, thisit’s full of mediacommunication for allsurroundings here in courtcriminal. so much presencepolice but we have not seenprotesters until now.ana: heya great expectation about howit will be the arrival of trump to theCut on Tuesday, what do you know?esperanza:what is known is untiltime will presumably come to2:15 pm when one arrivestime rise to take the footprints,they are going to take the photopolice, thenthey will read the chargesformal ones that are at 30Until now. Nothey know each other but of coursewe will know on tuesday yes godallows it.

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