Home » today » Technology » Possible options: – Star discovered by Webb telescope could unlock secrets of life’s origins – Webb telescope uncovers star that may shed light on life’s building blocks – Discovery of star by Webb telescope offers clues to the origins of life – Webb telescope finds intriguing star that could unveil mysteries of life’s foundations – Star spotted by Webb telescope raises tantalizing questions about the roots of life.

Possible options: – Star discovered by Webb telescope could unlock secrets of life’s origins – Webb telescope uncovers star that may shed light on life’s building blocks – Discovery of star by Webb telescope offers clues to the origins of life – Webb telescope finds intriguing star that could unveil mysteries of life’s foundations – Star spotted by Webb telescope raises tantalizing questions about the roots of life.

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a unique phenomenon in the distant universe. At a distance of 15 thousand light years from planet Earth, he discovered a star that is in the process of extinction. The American space agency informed about it on its website NASA.

It is a star called WR 124, located in the constellation Sagittarius. The abbreviation “WR” stands behind the Wolf-Rayet designation. Stars of this type are some of the brightest and largest stellar bodies in the universe.

Some stars become Wolf-Rayets only at the end of their lives. As they decay, they gradually expand until they explode and form a supernova. It is therefore very rare for scientists to be able to watch a similar phenomenon live.

As big, bright stars shine, they burn the fuel from which they are formed. It is most often, for example, hydrogen. They gradually get rid of the upper layers in the form of empty and dusty rings. They can glow and consume their fuel for several hundred thousand years, then explode and disappear.

“At the end of their lives, stars release their upper layers into the surrounding space,” she told pro CNN astrophysicist Amber Straughn from NASA’s Goddard Space Center.

Webb telescope saw star WR 124 for the first time in June last year. New images released by NASA on Tuesday show the star in unprecedented detail in the infrared spectrum. The breathtaking details would be impossible to see with the human eye alone. However, the telescope offers a glimpse into the interface of the infrared spectrum.

She has already released 10 Suns into the area

A Wolf-Rayet star is 30 times larger than the Sun. To put it in perspective, planet Earth is 333,000 times smaller than the Sun. This just confirms how huge the star WR 124 is compared to Earth.

So far, the star has released 10 Suns’ worth of gas and stardust into the surrounding space.

On Earth, dust is seen as a waste that should be cleaned up. However, space dust found in space combines with gas and together creates stars, planets, or galaxies. It is the basis of life in the universe.

More Webb Space Telescope discoveries

The Webb Space Telescope was created in collaboration between NASA, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency. It is the most modern and powerful space telescope ever created by mankind. He observes the universe in the infrared spectrum, which is hidden from the human eye. He can thus see objects, processes and events that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Scientists are trying to understand why there is so much space dust in the universe and what function it has in the cosmic darkness. Tools like the Webb Telescope should help scientists unravel this mystery and understand the nature of cosmic dust.

Studying stars of the same type as WR 124 will help scientists understand what processes took place in the early universe. It was a phase when dying stars exploded and released a huge amount of heavy elements into the surrounding space. Some of them traveled all the way to planet Earth and form the basis of our bodies.

The guts of ancient stars in our blood?

“I think it’s beautiful. The reality that the iron in the blood or the calcium in human bones comes from the bowels of a star that exploded a billion years ago is breathtaking. This is exactly what is happening in these images. Space dust from the star spreads out into space and may form planets somewhere. This is how we also appeared in the universe,” said astrophysicist Amber Straughn.

Another Wolf-Rayet star se succeeded Webb telescope to see last year in October. He discovered one such star in the Cygnus constellation, and next to it another star giant of the “O” type. The stars are located in a binary star system. What’s interesting about these stars is that as they orbit each other, a cycle that takes eight years, they release rings of dust into the surrounding space.

Scientists have been observing these two stars for over 20 years from the space observatory in Hawaii.

A ring of dust created by two stars orbiting each other.

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