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Possible Explosion Investigated by Oslo Police in Furuset Residential Area

The Oslo police are in Granstangen on Furuset with personnel from the bomb squad, where they are investigating what appear to be traces of an explosion in an apartment block area.

– We are still very unsure of what this is. We work on the basis of several hypotheses. It could be pranks where fireworks have been combined to create something more powerful, or it could be a targeted crime. We are investigating the case broadly, operations manager Eirik Sannes tells Dagbladet.

The Oslo police are investigating what they suspect are traces of an explosion in a residential area on Furuset. Reporter: Siri Åbø Wiersen / Video: Hans Arne Vedlog Show more

Neighbour: The house shook

Several neighbors confirm to Dagbladet that they heard a bang at 03:00 on the night of Friday. They say that the house shook as a result of the bang.

– Now during the morning we received a message from a caretaker who had discovered a crater on the outside of a block of flats which he thought appeared suspicious. It seemed like the result of a rather powerful explosion, says task leader Tore Barstein to Dagbladet’s reporter at the scene.

– When we arrive at the site, we find the crater, as well as structural damage to the block itself, bricks that are missing and so on, he continues.

According to Barstein, experts from the police’s bomb squad believe that it cannot be ordinary fireworks, but that it can be fireworks that have been modified in one way or another.

BOMB GROUP: Police experts are on the scene after a possible explosion at Furuset on the night of Friday. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more

– Takes the incident seriously

According to what the police know, the charge must have gone off at 02.57.

So far, no one is suspected or arrested.

– It is difficult to say anything about the damage potential, as we do not know what has been in the charge itself. But all explosives of this type have a potential for damage. We take the incident seriously, and give the matter a high priority, says Barstein.

Operations manager Sannes states that several investigative steps are being carried out at the site.

2024-01-05 13:18:45

#Heard #bangs #house #shook

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