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Pos, now pay attention to the other costs

The progressive dematerialization of payments is underway in the country, with initiatives that aim to favor the use of electronic systems over traditional cash, even on small amounts. The trade associations applaud, but they raise the question of the operating costs of Pos, which risk an increase in the face of the heralded cut of commissions.

Confesercenti and Confcommercio say they are in favor of facilitations for electronic payments on microspese, in the range between 5 and 25 euros. The traders themselves are thrilled with the proposals on the table to try to restart. The lockdown first and the consumer crisis afterwards have brought traders and merchants to their knees, who are now asking for help to recover. The reduction of commissions on microspends should go hand in hand with cashback, i.e. a reimbursement up to 300 euros intended for those who choose electronic payments. The initiatives are commendable but may not be enough to convince merchants to accept digital payments even on small amounts. This is what Ernesto Ghidinelli, Confcommercio credit manager, says: “It is desirable in the meantime that it really reaches 25 euros, and then that it is an effective reduction, and not masked by increases in other costs“.

Ghidindelli gives the example of gas station attendants, who had already been cut commissions on transactions below 100 euros several years ago. However, in the face of this, the other costs for managing the Pos had been increased. This is also the fear for Confesercenti: “The fear is that later, not having to pay commissions, the banks will transfer to us service costs improper, and that what you don’t pay for at the door comes back through the window“. To speak is Mauro Bussoni, secretary general of the organization, according to which even the reduction of bank commissions may not be sufficient to convince merchants to accept payments with Pos for small amounts.”I Pos contactless, which allow you to speed up micropayments because you do not have to type the Pin, have a distribution of 40%, broadband does not yet have a generalized distribution“explains Bussoni.

Another problem to be solved is the relationship with banks as, instead, explains Ghidinedelli. Not all merchants have the same negotiating power with banks and this could lead to unequal benefits from zeroing commissions. Everything should be decided in the coming days, when there will be a meeting between the banks and the government. From what transpires from Palazzo Chigi, it seems that the cut matters up to 5 euros has been accepted by all but only someone has made himself available to cut them down to 25 euros. Intesa San Paolo has anticipated the government’s initiatives and announces that it has eliminated commissions for exhibitors up to 10 euros.

However, it should be specified that the government will not be able to impose its decisions on the banks, which maintain the freedom of decision in compliance with free competition. In the same way, agreements to this effect cannot be signed but each banking institution will move according to its own possibilities and to the commercial policies decided internally.

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