Home » Business » POS interfaces with cash registers exceeded 250,000 – 2024-05-03 03:57:34

POS interfaces with cash registers exceeded 250,000 – 2024-05-03 03:57:34

The interconnection of POS with cash registers has been successfully completed, a flagship project to combat tax evasion, which also contributes to strengthening the rules of equal competition between businesses.

Specifically, as announced, more than 250,000 interconnections were completed by the obliged enterprises, meeting the goal set by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance and the AADE. It is noted that the percentage of companies that did not respond to their obligations under the law by the end of the deadline was limited to approximately 5% of the total number of obliged companies.

What remains now is the interconnection of the POS with the cash registers of only some sub-categories of businesses which, for various practical or technical reasons, did not complete the process until the end of April. Specifically, within the next period it is expected to connect:

– 3,000 businesses, where suppliers did not provide them with POS terminals due to poor credit rating. These businesses basically have debts and are part of Teiresias. For these businesses, a legislative provision is being promoted, which will make it mandatory for suppliers to provide POS and at the same time will provide for stronger security measures (e.g. payment of a guarantee) on the part of the businesses.

– 7,500 businesses with old cash register and/or POS systems, which are incompatible with each other and need immediate replacement. While these businesses rushed to connect, this was not possible due to incompatibility of cash register and POS systems. For these businesses only, a window of time is given until June 10 to replace their cash register and/or POS, where necessary, in order to complete the interface successfully. An email has already been sent to these businesses by AADE, informing them of all the above.

– About 30,000 seasonal businesses. It is reminded that seasonal businesses have a deadline to connect their systems up to the day of their opening anyway.

After the successive messages of AADE, the continuous information efforts by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance and the constant repetition of the decision that no further extension will be given to the interconnection project, the number of companies that have not responded at all to their obligations based on the law was limited to 5% of those liable (17,000). AADE is already in contact with these companies, in order to present the reasons for their non-response and then, if they do not prove reasons of force majeure, the appropriate fine will be imposed on them. It is recalled that the first fines have already been imposed on corresponding businesses with a turnover of more than 1 million euros and more will be imposed in the coming days on other businesses regardless of turnover.

In addition, those businesses that had scheduled an appointment with an installation technician on the AADE platform in the last days of April, but the appointment was not completed due to the technician’s fault, have a few days to complete it before the fines are activated.

The Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, said: “The interconnection of cash registers with POS was for some once a joke, while now it is a reality. I would like to thank for the cooperation both the professionals and businesses, who were obliged to interface and the installation technicians and everyone who participated in the completion of this complex and multi-layered project. However, we are not complacent. The completion of interconnection also remains for certain sub-categories of businesses, which for various practical and technical reasons have room for interconnection for a little while longer. We will insist on the interconnection of all businesses without exception, among others and for reasons of equal competition between them. With this project, we are fulfilling one of our obligations under the Recovery Fund and putting into operation a powerful tool to fight tax evasion. It is an important step forward for Greece!”.

The Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Haris Theocharis, said: “I would characterize the successful completion of the interconnection between POS and cash registers as a ‘paradigm change’ for the Greek economy.” This is a work of substance, a crucial step towards modernisation, digitalisation, but also tax justice, which was achieved thanks to good cooperation with all stakeholders and activation of the market. With the interface of POS and cashiers, the ‘loopholes’ of the leakage of tax revenues are definitively closed. A project that proves that when we want, we can! And we will continue the next projects in the same way.”

The Governor of AADE, Giorgos Pitsilis, said: “This is a decisive project for the economy, businesses, and the fight against tax evasion. At the same time, it is the work of the Recovery Fund, so deadlines must be met. I was sure from the beginning that, for this large and complex project, all of us, State and businesses, would do our best to meet the schedules. Opera and it happened. We continue our work, so that this digital reform can also be completed successfully, for the benefit of the public interest and society as a whole”.

What remains to be done

In the months of May and June, the burden falls on the completion and the project of interfacing the cash registers with ERP software to the POS. Businesses that use a cash register system with ERP software are reminded that they have until May 31st and in case of a scheduled appointment for the purpose of interconnection within June 2024 until the end of that month. The relevant platform for setting appointments has already been opened.

Finally, those who have purchased or are about to purchase an “all in one” solution (cash and POS in one device), but have not made a transaction, are considered “unconnected”! It is noted that 8 electronic invoicing providers with such solutions have been approved.

The fines

Obliged businesses, which have not interconnected their systems and do not fall into any of the sub-categories mentioned above, are faced with the imposition of fines if they cannot justify that they did not do so for reasons of force majeure (e.g. not completing a scheduled appointment through no fault of their own).

Specifically, a fine is provided for:

10,000 euros, as long as they follow a simple accounting system,

20,000 euros, as long as they follow a double-entry bookkeeping system.

These fines are halved for businesses, which are established in settlements with a population of up to 500 inhabitants and on islands with a population of up to 3,100 inhabitants (excluding tourist ones). In case of recurrence within five years, the fines are doubled and for each subsequent same violation they are tripled.

Finally, it is recalled that as of April 1, 35 retail branches are required to have POS installed and accept card transactions. Otherwise, a fine of 1,500 euros per violation is provided.

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