Home » Business » POS, from the end of the month the penalties for traders and professionals will start: there is no more escape!

POS, from the end of the month the penalties for traders and professionals will start: there is no more escape!

POS, it is time to adapt to the new directives or the sanctions will begin to rain incessantly. From 1 July the obligation for traders and professionals will be introduced.

A little less than a month to regularize one’s position and adapt to the legislation in force for several years. The extensions are over, now the sanctions begin.

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The push to the traceable electronic payments will become stronger from July 1, 2022. We are in the midst of the fight against tax evasion and the measures designed by the Government to combat a phenomenon widely present in Italy are becoming increasingly stringent. THE taxpayers are constantly monitored by the tax authoritiesmoney movements are subjected to numerous checks and now is the time of traders and professionals which will no longer be able to exempt themselves from guaranteeing payments with the POS. Debit and credit card will have to obligatorily be accepted by merchants even for ridiculous payments such as the cost of a coffee. No apologies or concessions, the electronic payment terminal must be present and used except for temporary operational problems for technical reasons. Those who do not respect the directives will come sanctioned according to the provisions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

POS, a new era is coming for merchants and professionals

New rules coming in three weeks on using the POS. The presence of the terminal must be guaranteed as well as the possibility to pay by traceable means every single transaction even if it is only a few euros. The obligation was therefore brought forward with respect to the first defined date, that is January 1, 2023. An advance made necessary by the push aimed at countering a phenomenon that in our country is struggling to stop, tax evasiondespite the increase in checks and penalties by the tax authorities.

From 1 July 2022, therefore, sanctions will start for traders and professionals found to be in breach of the law. It may be the citizens themselves who communicate to the Authorities the absence of the terminal or the refusal by a merchant to grant payment by electronic means. The fines will have an equal amount at 30 euros plus 4% of the value of the denied transaction.

When the obligation lapses momentarily

The legislation provides that the mandatory use of the POS expires when they intervene objective technical impossibilities. We are talking about situations of non-compliance with the directives not by the will of the operator or the professional but for technical issues.

It is also important to underline that there is no possibility of paying a reduced amount as an alternative to the penalty. The administrative offering, therefore, is not contemplated and the accused will have to pay the amount of the fine without being able to obtain a reduction equal to one third of the maximum sum even if paid within 60 days.

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