Home » today » Business » POS – cash registers: Until M. Tuesday the interface – Steep fines – 2024-04-27 09:32:57

POS – cash registers: Until M. Tuesday the interface – Steep fines – 2024-04-27 09:32:57

End of time for POS interface with cash registers. The deadline expires on Tuesday and the imposition of fines on those who have not complied begins.

The sand is running out in the hourglass and the few businesses, around 5% – 6% of the total, that have not complied should do so immediately if they do not want to find themselves in front of unpleasant surprises for their wallets. The number of businesses that are … ignored is around 25,000.

“No extension – Audits will start from the ‘big fish’

The Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, has made it clear that no further extension will be given and on May 2nd the relevant circular will be issued that will determine the road map for the next day, as well as the manner of imposing the fines.

The Deputy Minister of Finance, Haris Theocharis, notes, characteristically: “we are starting immediately and we will publicize the way in which the checks will be carried out. The checks will start with the “big fish”. We will not start from the small to end up with the big, because the big obviously have increased financial resources and capabilities. However, 94% of the obligees have already completed the interconnection process or booked the appointment so that the issue will be over by the end of April. From our side, as the Ministry of Finance, out of respect for the effort of these consistent people, we cannot discount the remaining 6%.”

AADE has already started mass audits and has proceeded to impose the first fines on companies with a turnover of more than 1 million euros, which did not do what the procedure provides so far and their explanations were deemed “unsatisfactory”. Controls continue in the rest of the businesses, regardless of turnover, and will be intensified in the coming days.

At the same time, the checks concern, in addition to the obligation to interface POS-cashiers, the operation of POS in the businesses of the 35 retail branches that are required to have installed them from April 1.

Within the next few hours, AADE will proceed to send another mass information email both to those businesses that have not yet completed their connection and have an appointment scheduled to do so, as well as to those that have not responded at all to date.

The deadlines

Until April 30th they have time to connect:

• Businesses that did not proceed with the interconnection of their systems within March, but have a scheduled appointment with an installation technician within April.

• Businesses that have declared in the POS Registry that they are going to replace their cash register system with one of the newly available “all in one” solutions, which does not require additional interface actions, despite making transactions. ATTENTION: Those who have purchased an all-in-one solution but have not made a transaction are considered “not connected”! It is noted that seven e-invoicing providers with such solutions have been approved.

• Especially businesses that use a cash register system with ERP software and must follow the basic interconnection rule of A.1155/2023 for their POS, are reminded that they have until May 31st and in case of a scheduled appointment with the purpose of interconnection within June 2024 until the end of the given month.

• Finally, the cash registers of businesses that are closed for any reason (e.g. seasonality) and will be opened after the end of the above schedule, should be interconnected with the POS terminals they have from the first day of business resumption .

The fines

Obliged businesses that have not linked their systems or proceeded with scheduling appointments by April face fines unless they can justify not doing so due to force majeure.

Specifically, a fine is provided for:

• 10,000 euros, as long as they follow a simple accounting system,

• 20,000 euros, as long as they follow a double-entry bookkeeping system.

These fines are halved for businesses established in settlements with a population of up to 500 inhabitants and on islands with a population of up to 3,100 inhabitants (excluding tourist). In the event of a recurrence within five years, the fines are doubled and for each subsequent same violation they are tripled.

Finally, it is recalled that as of April 1, 35 retail branches are required to have POS installed and accept card transactions. Otherwise, a fine of 1,500 euros per violation is provided.

#POS #cash #registers #Tuesday #interface #Steep #fines

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