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Portuguese government limits flights from the United Kingdom – Jornal Económico

The Portuguese Government announced this Sunday that it will limit flights from the United Kingdom from 00:00 on Monday following the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the United Kingdom.

In a statement from the Ministry of Health, it can be read from that period “only passengers on flights from the United Kingdom who are national citizens or citizens legally resident in Portugal are allowed to enter Portugal”

It further informs the Government that “these passengers must present, upon arrival in Portugal, proof of laboratory tests to screen for SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a negative result”.

The Executive explains that “citizens who do not have proof of having performed a laboratory test with a negative result are referred by the competent authorities, upon arrival in national territory, to carry out the said test inside the airport, through qualified health professionals. for that purpose ”and that“ in this case, citizens will have to remain in isolation under the terms defined by health authorities ”.

The Government further informs that, until now, “in Portugal, the circulation of this variant of SARS-Cov-2 identified in the United Kingdom is not confirmed, according to data obtained so far by the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge which already include sample analysis for the month of November and the second wave ”.

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