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Portugal’s President Rebukes Palestinian Diplomatic Delegation for Blaming Israel in Gaza War

Portugal’s populist and moderate centre-right president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, during a visit to Lisbon’s congress centre, told Nabil Abuznaid, who heads the Palestinian diplomatic delegation to Portugal, to moderate and not blame Israel for the war now raging in Gaza:

– You started the war

– I know you blame the Israelis, but there was someone on your side, it was the Palestinians who started the war. You can’t blame Israel, you simply shouldn’t have started the war.

Radicalism creates an atmosphere of radicalism. This time the radicalism came from Palestinians. There is no excuse, it was brutal.

Abuznaid objected that “this is no excuse for Israel’s brutal response. Ten thousand people are dead.”

Disappointed to be criticized

Nabil Abuznaid expressed disappointment at the criticism from Rebelo de Sousa:

– If we want to be fair, we must at least condemn the violence on both sides – and the occupation which is the root of the problem. The president repeated the October 7 attack five times without mentioning Gaza’s population. This is not fair.

– Difficult – but a lot depends on you

Nabil Abuznaid thanked the Portuguese head of state for the visit in this “very difficult time”.

Rebelo de Sousa agreed that “it is a difficult time”:

– But I think a lot depends on you. You must be an example of moderation. Without moderation you lose your sanity.

Remembrance Day

Thousands are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on Remembrance Day on November 11, a day of remembrance for war dead.

– Local residents fear demonstrations will disrupt the day that honors the war dead. I have asked the Home Secretary to do whatever is necessary to protect Remembrance Day. The right to commemorate in peace and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom must be protected.

In Great Britain, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day “provocative and disrespectful”.

Read the book “The unbelievable was true”!

Walter Laqueur asks in the book “The unimaginable was true” why there was such resistance to believing what was said about Jew-hatred and the murder of Jews.

Buy the book «The unimaginable was true» by Walter Laqueur from Document Forlag.

2023-11-04 15:22:13
#Portugals #president #top #Palestinian #diplomat #Dont #blame #Israel #started #war

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