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Portugal in the Sahel. Inevitable – DN

Inevitable for several reasons, the first being a consequence of the logical option for the so-called “Economic Diplomacy”, which the political-economic crisis of 2011 forced. New Government always forces new ideas, which are as creative as possible and the entry into Non-Traditional Markets, always follows a lengthy path and is carried out, step by step, step by step. That is why there are Portuguese troops in the Central African Republic and the GNR is also already training in the Sahel, as part of GARSI-Sahel, the Rapid Surveillance and Intervention Action Group.

And, for this reason too, Portugal decided to join the Task Force Force Takuba (Saber in Tamasheq), operating in Niger and Mali, together with France, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and probably Sweden, if the participation proposal is approved in the “Riksdagen”, the Swedish Parliament.

The second reason for this investment in porous and unknown lands, is related to the historical competitiveness that we have always had in Africa with France. If they are always trying to interfere with our Portuguese-speaking interests, the time has come for us to enter them through the “backyard” and through the front door. This establishes a first basis for a projection of a broader and safer future economic and commercial strength. In Africa, the secret is to have a friend in the hegemonic Party and a General “in your pocket”, which sometimes becomes even cheaper when both are coincident! And then we have to know how to take advantage of the love-hate relationship between ex-colonized and ex-colonizer, which is nothing strange to us.

A third reason has to do with the need to have a stronger and more assertive voice within the European Union (EU). In other words, Portugal was one of the first EU countries to completely reject the Franco-German proposal for the constitution of a Single European Army. Two immediate conclusions to be drawn from this decision:

– The first is that in the Academic debate on “What is this bloc that we call the EU?”, Portugal is tacitly saying / assuming that it feels much more comfortable being part of a Confederation, showing no interest in that the next step be taken towards the constitution of a “de facto” Federation with the consequent loss of Sovereignty over its / our Defense. By the way, that’s why Billions of Euros were spent on two submarines. If this whole sea in front of us was not monitored by us, someone would have to do it! – The second conclusion, being a NATO Founding Member, we reaffirm in this way our Atlanticist and non-Europeanist side, keeping the left foot in Brussels the right in Washington and a clinical look at our interests in Africa, which now no longer are limited to the PALOP “s.

In conclusion of this reasoning, Portugal leaves the usual “half-dyes”, defining itself before its partners about who it is and what it wants from Europe, making also clear what they can expect from us, at least in the insurance sphere.

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