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Portrait of the Mag: Tiotis Josse, “Tiote miss”

Despite his small size (1.64 m), Tiotis Josse aims to embrace a modeling career. This 24-year-old Rouen has won the right to represent France on the podiums in California next summer.

Anaheim, southern suburb of Los Angeles. Theater of the 25th edition of WCOPA (World Championships Of Performing Arts) from July 22 to 30, 2022, will the cradle of Disneyland parks be, as it is nicknamed, ” the happiest place in the world “for Tiotis Josse?

At 24 years old, the Rouennaise is one of the candidates for the title of Best female hope in the Modeling category. WCOPA, created by the founder of the Miss Universe competition, Griff O’Neil, dedicates talent from 65 countries in six categories: dance, singing, theater, music, variety, modeling.

His qualification for this kind of performing arts Olympiad, Tiotis Josse won by winning the gold medal at the final gala of the Revelation of the stars project, on July 3 in Cannes. A delight for this young woman who would give anything to grow 6 cm. And reach the threshold of 1.70 m required for any potential Miss France.

Because her fascination with the Miss France institution pursues her. “The job of my dreams is Sylvie Tellier’s. Since I was little, the world of fashion has fascinated me. Kid, I scrutinized the casting announcements, I learned the names of Miss France by heart. When I was 11, I asked my parents for a book as a birthday present. When I was told that my growth would stop at 1.64 m, I saw it as a drama. “

A tenacious ambition and a sporting profile

So the native of Vernon, Rouennaise since the age of 6, focused on her baccalaureate in Financial Management at the Lycée du Sacré-Coeur and then her BTS in Accounting and Management at the Lycée des Tourelles. But renunciation has no place in the temperament of this “Breton of Normandy”, as she says in reference to her grandparents established in Belle-Ile-en-Mer (where the first name Tiotis comes from). Once of age, she registers for her first beauty queen contest, meets photographers, designers … Little by little, the dream resurfaces.

Two failures in the election of Miss Rouen will not prevent her from becoming the national face of the Saga Cosmetics brand and from parading for Haute Couture designers at Fashion Week in Rabat (Morocco). Elected Miss International Normandy 2019, the daughter of the painter sculptor Antoine Josse has a taste for challenge, competition and the group. An accomplished athlete: twice vice-champion of France in synchronized skating with Team Jeanne d’Arc of the Rouen Olympic Club, member of its Freestyle section, cheerleader with the Leopards of Rouen…

Holder of a Staps license (Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities), she is currently doing everything to develop a career in commercial modeling since her meter 64 is not an obstacle. In order to finance the adventure that awaits her across the Atlantic, she has launched an online fundraiser and a business initiative. Disneyland, the ideal place to accelerate the destiny of our Minnie Miss.

More info on www.lepotcommun.fr/pot/jr49c4a6

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