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Portrait of Isabelle Assih, the new mayor of Quimper, in three words

On Sunday June 28, 2020, Isabelle Assih’s Quimper Ensemble list won the municipal elections in Quimper (Finistère). Who is the future mayor? Answer in three words.

Isabelle Assih will become the first woman, mayor of Quimper. (© Côté Quimper)

Isabelle Assih, 50, is the future mayor of Quimper (Finistère). Sunday, June 28, 2020, in the second round of municipal elections, his list of the left assembled Quimper Together ahead of those of the outgoing mayor Ludovic Jolivet and MP La République en Marche, Annaïg Le Meur.

There was no photo: Isabelle Assih obtained 52.80% of the vote; Ludovic Jolivet, 37.68% and Annaïg Le Meur, 9.52%.

Who is Isabelle Assih? Answer in three adjectives.


It was Friday noon. March 15, 2019, around a small cafe at PMU du Braden in its Ergué-Armel district. Isabelle Assih announced then that she had just won the primary of the Socialist Party, that she would be at the top of the list, a year later in the municipal elections in Quimper.

Also read: Quimper. Municipal 2020: Isabelle Assih to lead the Socialist Party list

The candidate was probably far from imagining that her career until June 28, 2020 would be full of pitfalls. Both the left is divided. Environmentalists are divided: go alone or join the cooperative project? Before summer, Doriane Le Treust for Génération-s, Benoît Hamon’s current, also announced his intentions to go alone.

Isabelle Assih was able to rally. Patiently and quietly. At the end of 2019, she even managed to integrate former students (David Lesvenan and Marc Andro) from Kemper forward.

On his list, the 50 candidates do not all share the same opinion. The creation of the municipal police or the sports hall in Penvillers is debated. This is what Daniel Le Bigot said on January 10, 2020:

In our project, it must be said that not everyone is enthusiastic about everything. But at some point, everyone considers that they have more to gain than to lose.

In other words, throughout her campaign, Isabelle Assih knew how to hold her troops. While attracting new faces like Valérie Huet-Morinière, Valérie Durrwell or Patrick Troglia.

Also read: 2020 municipal elections in Quimper: Isabelle Assih puts forward her citizen candidates


This is undoubtedly the image that we will retain from this 2020 Municipal campaign. The smile of Isabelle Assih. Its pleasant side. As with this family, met at the bus stop in front of their campaign office, at the end of May.

The candidate has no trouble engaging in conversation. It also turns out that the former teacher knows this family for having one of her children in her class at the start of her career.

Campaigning in the field, Isabelle Assih knows how to do it. In 2015, this was what enabled him to obtain his seat on the Departmental Council.

Also read: Isabelle Assih: joy, modesty and work

At the time, the elected communist Piero Rainero indicated:

Isabelle is a woman on the left who has strong activist potential.

The parents of the future mayor of Quimper were members of the Communist Party.


This adjective sticks to Isabelle Assih’s profession. She is indeed a school psychologist for 11 schools in the Quimper Ouest sector. Previously, she was a school teacher. She is the mother of 5 children. Her husband, Lala, says:

She is courageous, a fighter.

School can also qualify its communication throughout its campaign. Each of his press conferences had been prepared. It must also be said that its team includes former elected officials, experienced.

In short, this communication can be perceived as a little too wise. But she was overpowered. This is one of the first differences from its predecessor, Ludovic Jolivet.

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