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portrait of a young career mother- Corriere.it

from Michela Proietti

The eldest daughter of Silvio Berlusconi and Veronica Lario gave birth to Ettore Quinto in Switzerland. A life in the spotlight, excellence in studies and the theme of “reconciliation” between work and family

“Inside me I feel that two children are enough.” The then 25 year old Barbara Berlusconi, after the birth of his second son Edoardo in the Swiss San’Anna clinic in Sorengo, he entrusted this reflection to the chroniclers. “It is complex to be an attentive mother as I want to be and at the same time a person eager to complete their studies well and devote themselves to work,” said the eldest daughter of Silvio Berlusconi and Veronica Lario, expressing the same doubts and dilemmas of any girl of her age.

Instead, over the years Barbara Berlusconi has managed to get by at the same time the role of mother and entrepreneur. After Alessandro and Edoardo, born from the relationship with Giorgio Valaguzza, six years older, an analyst in the «EquityCapital Market» sector at JP Morgan, known in Sardinia, Barbara Berlusconi became the mother of three other children, all boys. The youngest was born yesterday: Hector Quintus, who is the fourteenth grandson for Silvio Berlusconi was born from the relationship with his partner Lorenzo Guerrieri, entrepreneur in the real estate sector. The eldest daughter of Veronica Lario and the leader of Forza Italia, 37, current CEO of holding 14 which controls 21.42% of Fininvest, gave birth in a Swiss clinic and still no images of the newborn or the mother have been released. .

The last photo of Barbara Berlusconi dates back to last August, with her belly in the inevitable Sardinia. Also on social media she had appeared together with Federica Fumagalli, wife of brother Luigi, both with the big belly: Federica also gave birth to a boy, Emanuele Silvio, born on July 29th. A significant number at Berlusconi’s home: Silvio Berlusconi was born on 29 September. A grandfather in turn very affectionate and present with his grandchildren, as also reported by the chronicles of the time, when the birth of Barbara’s first child had canceled all the commitments on the agenda. In fact, the Cavaliere, in direct telephone line with the Forza Italia group in the Chamber, had announced: «I would very much like to be able to reach you but today I have a more important commitment than you. I became a grandfather again and I have to go to my grandson ». Commitment maintained. In the afternoon he had been spotted at the Sant ‘Anna, sixth floor, room at the end of the corridor on the left.

Barbara Berlusconi, current CEO of holding 14 which controls 21.42% of Fininvest, is the mother of Alessandro (born in 2007), Edoardo (2009), Leone (2016), Francesco (2018), just a few months ago, at news of the pregnancy, he joked on social media saying that if another male arrived he would have called him Quinto. And so it was, keeping that register of a young woman, accustomed to the spotlight from an early age, but with all the characteristics of her peers. Born in Switzerland insummer of 1984, had as godfather of baptism Bettino Craxi. He attended the Villoresi San Giuseppe College in Monza where he graduated from classical high school in 2003 and his scholastic history is that of a brilliant schoolgirl: in 2010 she graduated with a degree in Philosophy with a grade of 110 and honors in 2010 at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University with a thesis on “The concept of well-being, freedom and justice in the thought of Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998 », supervisor Roberto Mordacci, co-supervisor the scholar of Kant Massimo Reichlin. Even at the time, Silvio Berlusconi’s daughter had surprised everyone: she hadn’t wanted anyone to be present at the discussion of her thesis, and for this reason she had kept the timetable hidden. In September 2003 she joined the board of directors of Fininvest SpA and then joined the board of directors of Milan in April 2011. Together with his brothers Eleonora and Luigi he owns the Italian Holding Quattordicesima, which holds 21.43% of Fininvest. There politics, so loved by her father, it always seemed to her a premature goal: «My father asked me to collaborate with him in politics. I am very honored by the proposal, but I decided not to accept it because I still have to work a lot on myself. I find politics interesting, but to be able to actively and consciously do it you need to be more mature and with more life experiences, ”he said in an interview.

Young, beautiful and passionate about art (in collaboration with Martina Mondadori) and fashion (first of all the stylist friend Alessandra Rich), has always been a target of the paparazzi. In 2007 he admitted that he had his father buy some for 20,000 euros embarrassing photos snap them from a paparazzo in front of a nightclub in Milan. But just as she had promised at the birth of her second child, Barbara Berlusconi, at the age of 24, kept her private and working life going smoothly: in 2013 she was appointed by the Milan board of directors as vice president and managing director with responsibility for non-sporting social functions. and even after the sale of the club to the Chinese entrepreneur Li Yonghong remained in the Rossoneri milieu. Very close to her mother Veronica Lario, however, Barbara has always remembered her great resemblance to her father. “From him I inherited the ability to immediately grasp the heart of the issues and to be quick in making decisions.”


November 21, 2021 (change November 21, 2021 | 12:07)

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