Home » today » News » PORTRAIT. Caroline Cruveillier, the boxer from Istres, aims for the GOLD medal at the world championships

PORTRAIT. Caroline Cruveillier, the boxer from Istres, aims for the GOLD medal at the world championships

Boxer Caroline Cruveillier will fly to Istanbul on May 6, on her way to the Women’s Boxing World Championships. The 24-year-old medalist from Istres is one of the young hopefuls of southeastern France. She is already preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games.

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At age 24, Caroline Cruveillier already has an impressive resume. She is French champion under 54 kg, two-time European champion and even vice-world champion in English boxing.

It was at the age of twelve that he put on his first boxing gloves in Pennes-Mirabeau, about twenty kilometers from Marseille.

“I wanted to do like my brother, my mother was a bit reluctant then she realized it wasn’t a violent sport but a very technical one”, says Caroline.

At 14, she joined the French team. At 18 she is recognized as one of the best athletes by the French Boxing Federation.

Boxing is a confrontational sport because in life you cannot cheat when you fight you are alone.

This ring aficionado is one of the young hopefuls of our region. She trains four hours a day in Istres, in view of the women’s world championships which will take place from 6 to 21 May in Istanbul, Turkey.

“Boxing is a confrontational sport because in life you can’t cheat when you fight you are alone.”

“She’s a winner”, confirms James Colas as his coach for one year.

“He has good boxing, he’s a great technician, he’s smart in the ring,” Adds.

In 2021, the boxer injured his shoulder. She is forced to stop for five months. “It was a complicated period but I kept the motivation.”

Caroline doesn’t give up. He approaches this championship with great serenity because after the injury he wants above all “regain confidence”.

On the phone see determination. If he goes to Istanbul, it’s to win a medal.

“I’m one of the expected girls, I have to win”.

This Friday, May 29, he leaves for four days in Nancy to train with the French team, it is his last training before the world championships.

In the background of this championship are the Olympics which will take place in two years.

Caroline is already preparing, she is often away with France, she tells us about the importance of physical preparation.

“You have to have a good eye, finish the actions, be precise with your shots.”

Her trainer describes her as a fighter, captivating, who does everything possible to be successful. “If she’s number one in the French team, it’s thanks to her work.”

The champion is looking forward to qualifying for the Olympics, which will begin next year. The boxing events are expected to take place from July 27 to August 10 at the Roland-Garros stadium.

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