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Portrait. Camilel BALLU, first year engineering student


To help you see more clearly in the offer of engineering training offered to you after the competitions, the students and alumni of ENSAE Paris speak every Wednesday and share their experience.

Camille BALLU, student in the first year of the engineering cycle. Recruited via the economics and social sciences competition, she comes from a B / L preparation at the Lycée Henri IV in Paris.

Why did you choose to join ENSAE Paris?

ENSAE Paris sets itself apart thanks to its teaching, which in particular opens up new opportunities for students from a preparatory class B / L.

The school is indeed not only one of the best engineering schools, but also appears, for a B / L, as a very good way to deepen his training in mathematics and social sciences, while he offering the opportunity to learn about new disciplines like programming. The school also allows for very attractive double degrees with the largest business or engineering schools, with Sciences-Po Paris, or with prestigious foreign and French universities, which perfectly complement the training received at the ENSAE Paris. These are the main reasons that motivated my choice to go to ENSAE Paris.

What did you think of the first year teachings?

I had some apprehensions about the difficulty of the first year and when the fact of being mixed with students from scientific paths. But the first semester is very well designed to enable B / L and ECS students to effectively fill in any gaps they may have in math and programming, while also providing them with the opportunity to pursue social science education. of quality (such as the Introductory Conferences on Contemporary Social Issues). The second semester is a continuation of the first and focuses more on putting into practice the theoretical knowledge learned. Overall, the teachings I have been able to receive have been very informative and stimulating.

Did you discover some aspect of training or school in general that you did not know?

Si I was surprised by the diversity of the teachings that we receive at ENSAE Paris, and in particular by the very different specializations to which these can lead, it is especially the dynamism of the associative life that particularly marked me . The ENSAE is a fairly small school in terms of staff compared to the other schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, but that does not prevent it from having a very developed associative life, whatever the fields. There is something for everyone, from those who seek to get closer to the world of work within a professional association, to those who seek to give meaning to their daily actions by taking part in solidarity projects. After two years of preparatory class, this associative dynamism was a real breath of fresh air for me. In addition, there is very good cohesion within each promotion, despite the health crisis which has still raged this year.

Would you recommend ENSAE to those who will be taking the competitive exams soon?

Of course, I recommend that all students who will soon be taking the competitive exams to find out about the school that is ENSAE Paris. It is a school which may at first glance seem very specialized in mathematics and economics, but which offers very broad outlets. Do not hesitate to discuss with students who have joined the school, and who will undoubtedly testify to their satisfaction at having chosen ENSAE: this is what convinced me personally. Everyone finds their happiness there.

Find all the #ConcoursENSAE testimonials on the eligible portal.

For any questions about the competitions, do not hesitate to inquire directly on the site or to contact the [email protected] service or our students [email protected]

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