Portable Bible schools in the Democratic Republic of the Congo strengthen churches and communities in Jesus Christ.
Bible schools strengthen churches and illuminate communities with the light of Christ in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Train and equip an evangelist
To give
Tiane’s life is very different today than it was a few months ago.
Today, as he walks the village roads in the Niangara region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he shares the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He does the same while waiting at the market or meeting friends and family, or going about his daily chores.
Tiane instructs his neighbor with the Word of God.
Share biblical encouragement to your acquaintances, neighbors, and even foreigners who are discouraged. In the afternoons she gathers her husband and her children to talk to them about the Word of God and spend time praying about the problems of the day.
He has changed, and people are surprised by his transformation.
The difference is that today you have a growing relationship with the Lord, and you read and study His Word and apply the truths in your life.
“In the past, I didn’t fear the Lord,” he says, describing how he responded to anxious moments with alcohol. This caused fights with his loved ones. “He drank excessively. Then she spent her time arguing with my husband and my children.”
This happened even while she attended a church and considered herself a follower of Christ, but “going to church was just a formality that did not transform me one bit.”
It wasn’t until Samaritan’s Purse began giving Bible lessons through a traveling school in her village, Ganga, that Tiane experienced saving faith and saw her need for God and His Word in her life.
“I knew very little about the Bible,” he said. “Through the classes, I received a Bible and was taught to read and understand the Word of God. I learned the spiritual disciplines that shaped my personal life and my family. “I learned to pray.”
Transforming knowledge of the Word of God
Before our Lighthouse Niangara project brought a Bible school to Ganga, Bibles were not easily found or people able to teach how to study it and apply the Scriptures.

Lay people and church leaders learn how to study the Bible and apply it to their lives and ministries.
The program began in a remote village along with other work such as water, sanitation and hygiene projects, and livelihood activities such as livestock and agriculture.
As our teams help local churches meet physical needs, we empower church leaders to strengthen their own lives with regular reading and study of God’s Word. We also train them to disciple other believers and hold effective evangelistic events in their communities.
“I have learned how to manage my life better and how to preach the Gospel more effectively to the congregation,” said Pastor Felix, a church leader from a nearby village. “Experiencing the love and compassion of the Lord through deeper study of His Word, I have begun to serve you with a shepherd’s heart. I show more humility and love for others. Even young people are more motivated to serve God.”
Tiane and Pastor Félix are two of 29 graduates of the portable Bible school program in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Since 2012, when the program began, nearly three dozen mobile Bible schools have been organized in remote areas of the country, and more than 1,200 students have graduated. The Samaritan’s Purse team plans to travel to more isolated places in the country to empower the church to study the Word, share the Gospel, and love their neighbors in the midst of conflict.
“Jesus Christ sent us to preach the Good News throughout the world and to every creature,” Tiane said. “Since training, I have taken this mandate personally and will continue with evangelism to bring many to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The newest class of students joins hundreds of others who have been part of this program since 2012.

Evangelistic Tools & Training 013015
Suggested donation: $35
2023-09-14 02:03:35
#light #Niangara