Porta a Porta, Silvio Berlusconi – The Man Who Changed Italy
Yesterday evening, Monday 12 June 2023, on Rai1 Porta a Porta, Silvio Berlusconi – The Man Who Changed Italy, broadcast from 20:45 to 23:22, won 1,835,000 spectators equal to a 10.5% share. On Channel 5 Tg5 Special, from 21:14 to 00:06, attracted 1,250,000 spectators in front of the video with an 8.3% share, while the simulcast on Italia1 obtained 345,000 spectators with 2.3% and on Rete4 534,000 spectators with 3.5%. On Rai2 C.S.I. Vegas is the choice of 908,000 viewers (5.9%). On Rai3 Report is followed by 1,424,000 spectators with 8.1% (presentation at 1,422,000 and 7.5%, Plus at 1,013,000 and 7.4%). On A7 TgLa7 Special – The Thousand Faces of Berlusconi, from 21:28 to 1:28, reaches 667,000 spectators and 5.8%. On Tv8 Baywatch scores 804,000 spectators equal to 5.3%. On the Nine Ex affects 635,000 spectators (4.1%). On the 20th The Time Machine sigla 550.000 spettatori (3.1%). Su RaiMovie Time for guns totals 440,000 spectators (2.5%). About Irises Big mail in Dodge City it is seen by 355,000 spectators with 2%. On RaiPremium Last Cop is chosen by 454,000 viewers (2.8%). On A5 Rosamunde Pilcher – Go where your heart takes you reaches 507,000 spectators equal to 2.8%. On Sky Demolition – Bitter and live achieves an audience of 399,000 spectators and 2.3%. On RealTime Friends on the edge it gathers 356,000 spectators (2%).
Access Prime Time
Su Rai1 Five minutes achieves an audience of 3,931,000 spectators with 21.1%. On Channel 5 Dear President… I greet you it gathers 2,614,000 spectators equal to 13.5%, while the simulcast on Italia1 obtains 481,000 spectators equal to 2.5% and on Rete4 934,000 spectators equal to 4.8%. On Rai2 Tg2 Post affects 694,000 spectators (3.6%). On Rai3 The Horse and the Tower is seen by 1,405,000 spectators (7.5%), while A Place in the Sun by 1,795,000 spectators (9.2%). On A7 Half past eight it involved 2,185,000 spectators (11.2%). On Tv8 4 Hotel entertains 642,000 spectators (3.4%). On the Nine the reply of Don’t Forget the Lyrics! – Stai sul Pezzo garnered 421,000 viewers (2.2%). On RealTime Home at First Sight reaches 449,000 spectators (2.3%).
Su Rai1 The Legacy – The Challenge of 7 obtained an average audience of 2,553,000 spectators equal to 23.5%, while The legacy it is seen by 3,771,000 spectators equal to 27.6%. On Channel 5 Black Beauty – A story of courage entertained 1,121,000 spectators (9.8%). On Rai2 Hawaii Five-0 signs 442,000 spectators with 3.5% e N.C.I.S. 822,000 spectators with 5%. On Italy1 Open Studio Mag is seen by 490,000 spectators (4.2%) e A Mother as a Friend by 322,000 spectators (2.1%). On Rai3 Regional news informs 2,098,000 spectators equal to 14.3%, while Blob marks 937,000 spectators equal to 5.5% and the replica of Via dei Matti n° 0 801,000 spectators equal to 4.4%. On A7, preceded by Lingo – The First Challenge to 217,000 spectators (2.2%), Lingo – Words in Play totaled 369,000 spectators (2.9%). On Tv8 4 Restaurants won 324,000 spectators (2.3%). On the Nine Cash or Trash – Who Offers More? is chosen by 438,000 viewers (3%).
Daytime Morning
Su Rai1 TgUnomattina – Press Review affects 230,000 spectators with 9.6%, the Tg1 of 7 441,000 spectators with 12.3% e TgUnomattina 665,000 spectators with 15.2% (within the Tg1 of 8 to 788,000 and 17.6%). Following One morning is seen by 662,000 spectators with 17.3% and Italian stories from 687,000 spectators with 18.7%. On Channel 5 Tg5 front page informs 587,000 spectators with 19.9% e Tg5 Morning 986,000 spectators with 22%, while Morning Five News it gathers 774,000 spectators with 19.4% in the first part and 743,000 spectators with 20.3% in the second part (I Saluti, with the announcement of the death of Silvio Berlusconi, at 758,000 and 19.5%). On Rai2 The Italians says good morning to 69,000 spectators (1.5%), while the Tg2 at 8:30 reaches 148,000 spectators (3.3%) e Radio2 Social Club it is watched by 219,000 spectators (5.6%). Following Tg2 Italy reaches 180,000 spectators (4.7%) e Tg2 Flash to 274,000 spectators (5.8%). On Italy1 Chicago Fire gets an audience of 114,000 viewers (2.7%) in the first episode and 132,000 viewers (3.6%) in the second episode, while C.S.I. New York 130,000 spettatori (2.9%). Su Rai3 good morning Italy achieves an audience equal to 496,000 spectators and 14%, while Good morning Region 614,000 spectators and 14%. Following Agora convinces 221,000 spectators equal to 5.4% (presentation at 341,000 and 7.6%, Extra at 160,000 and 4.3%) and Elixir – By Kind Request 150,000 spectators equal to 3.9%. On Network4 Rockford Agency gathered 46,000 spectators with 1.1% and Detectives in Lane 80,000 spectators with 2.2%. On A7 Omnibus achieves an am of 173,000 spectators (4.2%) e Coffee Break of 154,000 spectators (4%).
Daytime Noon
Su Rai1 Tg1 Extraordinary Edition, from 10:39 to 13:25, gets 1,355,000 spectators (17%). On Channel 5 Tg5 Special, from 10:46 to 12:57, totals 1,574,000 spectators with 21.5%, while the simulcast on Rete4 obtains 342,000 spectators with 4.7%. On Rai2 Your facts it affects 543,000 spectators (8.7%) in the first part and 945,000 spectators (9.5%) in the second part. On Italy1 A Mother as a Friend it is followed by 145,000 spectators (2%). To follow, after Open Studio, Sport Mediaset reaches 679,000 spectators (5.3%). On Rai3 Tg3 Extraordinary Editionfrom 10:58 to 12:56, gets 467,000 spectators (6.2%), while Geo wins 579,000 spectators (4.8%) e Past and present 541,000 spectators (4.3%). On A7 The Air that Blows it affects 285,000 spectators with 4.9% in the first part and 408,000 spectators with 3.8% in the second part called Oggi.
Daytime Afternoon
Su Rai1 Today is another day entertains 1,406,000 spectators with 15.4%. Following Tg1 Specialsfrom 16:06 to 17:05, is seen by 1,023,000 spectators with 14.4% and Live Life achieves an audience of 1,689,000 spectators with 20.3% (presentation to 1,480,000 and 20%). On Channel 5 Tg5 Special, from 13:42 to 18:19, conquers 1,313,000 spectators (15%), while the simulcast on Rete4 obtains 371,000 spectators (4.2%). On Rai2 Ore 14 affects 835,000 spectators equal to 8.2%, while Cobra Task Force 11 initials 411,000 spectators equal to 5.3% in the first episode and 496,000 spectators equal to 7.1%. To follow after Parliament news to 340,000 spectators and 4.7%, Tg2 Special, from 17:17 to 18:59, marks 191,000 spectators equal to 2.3%. On Italy1 A Mother as a Friend garnered 338,000 viewers (3%) in the first episode, 320,000 viewers (3.5%) in the second episode and 312,000 viewers (4.1%) in the third episode, while Supergirl 205,000 viewers (2.9%) in the first episode and 336,000 viewers (4.3%) in the second episode. On Rai3 Regional news informs 1,728,000 viewers (14.4%) e Tg3 Specialfrom 2.25pm to 4pm, 661,000 spectators (7.2%); Geo reaches 467,000 spectators (6.6%), Overland to 582,000 viewers (7.8%) e Geo Magazine to 916,000 spectators (10.3%). On A7 Tagada is seen by 297,000 spectators equal to 3.7% (presentation at 450,000 and 4.2%, #Focus at 249,000 and 3.5%), while Once upon a time in the twentieth century reaches 136,000 spectators equal to 1.6%.
Second Evening
Su Rai1 Our things it is followed by 517,000 spectators with 6.2%. On Channel 5 Something extraordinary it is watched by 290,000 spectators (6.8%). On Rai2 Underdog – I Bet on Me scores 325,000 spectators equal to 4.6%. On Italy1 The little princess gets 140,000 spectators (3.1%). On Rai3 Tg3 Special affects 434,000 spectators with 5.7%. On Network4 The words I didn’t tell you is the choice of 155,000 viewers (3.6%). On A7 Half past eight is reviewed by 115,000 viewers (4.6%).
Ore 13:30 2.565.000 (20.8%)
Ore 20:00 4.390.000 (25%)
Ore 13:00 1.605.000 (13%)
Ore 20:30 1.055.000 (5.6%)
2.25 pm 661,000 (7.2%) – On air with a special until 4 pm for the death of Silvio Berlusconi.
Ore 19:00 1.684.000 (13.8%)
Ore 13:00 2.988.000 (24.1%)
Ore 20:00 2.966.000 (16.9%)
Ore 12:25 992.000 (9.5%)
Ore 18:30 607.000 (6.4%)
11:55 am ,000 (%) – Not broadcast to make room for Tg5 Special for the death of Silvio Berlusconi.
Ore 18:55 762.000 (5.9%)
Ore 13:30 540.000 (4.3%)
Ore 20:00 1.278.000 (7.2%)
TV ratings by auditel bands (share %)
RAI 1 15.5 15.46 18.51 17.23 16.82 24.28 12.59 6.99
RAI 2 5.58 2.09 6.56 8.89 5.82 3.8 4.79 5.53
RAI 3 7.55 10.34 4.15 7.6 6.34 10.26 7.9 6.63
RAI SPEC 7.54 8.05 6.88 4.75 8.25 6.21 8.07 10.54
RAI 36.17 35.93 36.09 38.47 37.23 44.55 33.35 29.69
CHANNEL 5 13.89 20.12 21.9 20.84 12.63 12.11 11.24 7.04
ITALIA 1 3.24 2.4 2.82 4.79 3.74 3.33 2.41 2.46
NETWORK 4 4.03 0.89 2.83 5.11 4.17 4.94 4.27 3.26
MED SPEC 12.97 11.67 11.43 8.93 12.25 10.7 14.76 17.85
AVERAGESET 34.12 35.08 38.98 39.67 32.79 31.08 32.68 30.62
LA7+LA7D 5.74 4.48 4.56 4.28 3.82 4.09 8.75 8.43
SATELLITE 16.6 14 13.64 11.81 19.72 14.39 17.44 21.71
TERRESTRIAL 7.37 10.51 6.72 5.78 6.44 5.89 7.79 9.55
OTHER NETWORKS 23.97 24.5 20.36 17.59 26.16 20.28 25.23 31.26
2023-06-13 08:56:21
#listens #Monday #June #death #Berlusconi #Porta #Porta #Tg5 #Speciale #Mentana #Good #Report #Baywatch #Tv8 #Record