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Porsche Taycan Sport Turismo: The Space Glider

Porsche opens the door again. This time, however, avoid thick cheeks. The latest derivative of the Taycan is an electric glider for very fast charging. So fast that he is allowed to wear sports in the name. And on top of that, the term Turismo – because in Zuffenhausen the word “station wagon” is not well suffered. After all, Porsche customers should not think about mundane transport, but about top performance – paired with the comfort of a touring limousine. There is therefore more headroom at the back, but on the legs it will not be larger than in the normal Taycan despite the “foot garage”. But that would be whining at a high level.

The increased everyday benefits are bought without any reduction in performance. Up to the three-digit speedometer display, not a tenth more passes than in the respective coupé. Anyone who still believes that an e-mobile cannot be brute should rethink as soon as possible. Despite well over two tons, the current shoots-Fast forward, as if someone had ignited a propellant charge. Especially in the Turbo S version, of course.

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The stromert with 761 hp reaches 100 in 2.8 seconds, it doesn’t take ten to 200 – and the end is only at 260. If you don’t have the mind of a Zen monk, you are constantly living with the risk of speed intoxication. To get down, you need to have a decent disc. The top variants are wisely made of ceramic. The front ones measure just under 17 inches, the rear ones hardly less.

At the lower end, the basic model delivers up to 300 kW (408 hp). As the only Sport Turismo in the quintet, he drives alone at the rear and gives Porsche lovers the usual punchy rear. From time to time, some connoisseurs appreciate a bit of an angle aft. And less weight on top of that. Especially with the battery with 79.2 kWh, which is also available for the 4S – all the others are on the road with the “Performance Plus” battery and 93.4 kWh from the factory.

One way or another, you are enthroned. In precisely fitting seats, surrounded by a fine interior and surrounded by displays and touch screens. In front of him: a horizontally emphasized cockpit with echoes of the first 911er. In the middle, however, the speedometer. Literally surrounded by a “power meter”. The tachometer, which has been cult-centred at Porsche for decades, is no longer needed.

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An opulent command post for the journey into the no man’s land of driving physics. Because that’s where you believe yourself when sport Turismo is allowed to show what it can do. The electronics need less than the blink of an eye to bring the drive, damping and response to the optimum. The result: in any kind of driving maneuver, the Taycan Sport Turismo reaches its limits much later than the vast majority that move it. Even on ice and snow.

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With so much sportiness, you could almost forget to drive in front of a decent storage space. There is a maximum of 446 liters with full seating, up to 1.2 cubic meters of space when folded – after all, three times what the normal Taycan can hold. If that’s not enough for you: The optional roof box is approved up to 200 km/h. The overhead glazing with “Sunshine Control” is new. It is darkened by crystals that react to electricity. And if you like, park the Sport Turismo casually from the outside – via app.

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Whether you are whistling or sprinting – at some point the fullest battery is empty. But here, too, the Sport Turismo stands for fast charging. At suitable power columns, five minutes bring a radius of 100 kilometers, only 22.5 minutes pass from five to 80 percent capacity. In order for this to work out exactly the same way, the Taycan, if desired, puts the cells in a kind of “feel-good area” around 30 degrees.

However, the five-meter sauser gets the most energy from recuperation. It can feed in up to 265 kilowatts when decelerating. You don’t leave a watt, they say. What is the point of such intransigence? For the first time in the history of Porsche, there is a maintenance interval of six years for the brake. The coverings could still be thick enough – but possibly too old…

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In Zuffenhausen, they also did not want to build an electric car with Porsche on it, but a Porsche with electric drive. To bring the soul of the brand into a new age, it is officially called. This obliges: a Nordschleife time of well under eight minutes – and, depending on the model, a range of up to 498 kilometers. Separate from each other, of course.

The bad news: under 187.288 euros, nothing is happening in terms of “Turbo S”. Even if there is already pretty much everything on board that the camp gives. But it also works for less than half: with the entry-level model, you get away with 86,495 euros. That almost sounds like a bargain.

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