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Popular Science: Aphelion Phenomenon to Animals Recovering Fastest After Mass Extinction : Okezone techno

JAKARTA – There are channel articles Science Okezone which is widely read by netizens. And the most popular in the past week, ranging from “The Aphelion Phenomenon” to “The Fastest Animal Recovering After the Mass Extinction.”

The Aphelion Phenomenon is Going On Today, What Is It?

The aphelion astronomical phenomenon is taking place today, Monday (4/7/2022), what is it? Hoaks about it had circulated on WhatsApp, saying it made Earth’s weather very cold, right?

Researcher from the BRIN Space Research Center (LAPAN), Andi Pangeran, firmly denied that the aphelion phenomenon could make the Earth very cold.

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The Mystery of When the First Forest Appeared on Earth Revealed, Check Out the Answer

The mystery of when the first forests appeared on Earth has now been revealed. A paleobotanist from Cardiff University in England named Chris Berry has the answer.

Prepared from Live Science, Wednesday (6/7/2022), Chris Berry said that plants first grew about 470 million years ago and forests appeared more than a century later.

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The Process of the Formation of the Universe According to Science According to the Qur’an

The universe is all the space from Earth to the sky which is complete with its energy and matter. The Koran and science itself, explain how this universe was formed.

Early in the 20th century, a Russian physicist, Alexander Friedmann, discovered that the universe is expanding.

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After the Biggest Extinction on Earth, These Animals Are the Fastest Recovering

The Great Permn – Triassic extinction event occurred about 252 million years ago. This event is said to have almost completely wiped out life on Earth.

When life returns, a study has identified that there are animals that manage to recover quickly after the event.

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