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Popular citizen movement, a new political party is born –

Published on 10/18/2023 at 3:29 p.m. by Linda Manga

The political party was created on October 14 by civil society organizations included in the composition of the transitional parliament for better representation of the Gabonese in the transitional bodies.

According to an article published by the Gabon Actu site, Aimé Régis Renombo, leader of the Rassemblement Espoir, and founding president of the MPC, explained the reasons for the birth of this new political party in Gabon. “Having noted the exclusion and sometimes even the denial of our political organizations, our movements, our associations, our NGOs, our unions and our religious groups, we have decided, we Gabonese citizens responsible for the organizations of the above-mentioned civil society, to coalesce”, indicated in his speech Aimé Régis Renombo, leader of the Rally of Hope, also founding president of the MPC.

Certain political parties are said to have distinguished themselves by “undemocratic behavior” in the composition of the national assembly and the senate. They would have taken the lion’s share and a certain civil society, on the other hand would have been “taken hostage by some who have monopolized all the seats”.

For Aimé Régis Renombo, “this is the place for us to solemnly and respectively ask the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema and the government to work towards the inclusion of the Popular Citizen Movement in the various bodies and institutions of the transition, namely: the Senate, the National Assembly, the economic, social and environmental council, and the future constituent assembly to avoid the return of the demons of yesteryear.

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