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Pope’s Christmas message: ‘End the meaningless war in Ukraine’

Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, called for an end to the senseless war in Ukraine in his Christmas message.

Pope Francis, in his annual Christmas message, warns that 10-month-old conflicts are exacerbating food shortages around the world and calls for an end to the “use of food as a weapon”.

The Pope, 86, had previously addressed thousands of faithful in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Some of the faithful held Ukrainian flags in their hands.

“I thought of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are living this Christmas in a dark and cold place away from home,” the Pope said in a speech from the central balcony of St. Peter’s.

“We know that all wars cause hunger and use food as a weapon to prevent the distribution of food to those who are already suffering,” the Pope said.

At the same time, he stressed that, according to the will of Jesus Christ, “we must dedicate ourselves to making food an instrument of peace”.

VOA news

*This article is from AFP.

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