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Pope: Seek development model that keeps individuals at center – Vatican News

Delegates from earthquake-ravaged central Italy in 2016-17 made a pilgrimage to Rome and France to meet the Pope.

C. Roubini Chinnapa9 CTC, Vatican News

In a meeting held on November 24th, the Pope shared with the representatives of Central Italy, which was devastated by the earthquake in 2016-17, that the earthquake, which destroys the work of generations in a few seconds, is an experience of great physical and moral collapse. While painfully remembering the disaster and its victims, the Pope spoke to them about their perseverance and cooperation, the attitude of “us” and the restoration work that is going forward by molding good from the destruction. In particular, the Pope highlighted the attention to sustainability, nature and climate change that they should pay attention to in their socio-economic restoration work.


Talking about sustainability, the Pope said that the most urgent challenge to protect our common home is to adopt a comprehensive and sustainable development model. It is an act of justice and love towards those around us and those who will come after us. The Pope commended them for knowing this and being able to work in the restoration process, avoiding wasteful expenditure, waste disposal, valuation, fair distribution and protection of the vulnerable. The Pope also reminded that cities that strive to achieve economic and technological growth and a good personal and social quality of life must adopt a method of putting individuals at the center.

Attention to nature

The Pope reminded those who come from provinces that have attracted international attention for their natural beauty that we must build the environment through the harmony of God’s and man’s work, maintaining natural beauty and health, and maintaining a common culture of life and respect for those around us. The Pope emphasized that we must support the call to live as guardians of God’s work and that is our mission. The Pope called for this reconstruction process to be an opportunity to right the wrongs of the past, increase the birth rate, and ensure water security, which is so important to life.

Climate change

The Pope said that there is no doubt that climate change will disrupt the lives of many individuals and families, and that it will affect health, employment, resources, housing and forced migration. Therefore, the Holy Father reminded us to pay more attention to climate change at local and global levels. The Pope called for cleaning up forests and rivers and reducing and discouraging cement production. Expressing his solidarity with their tireless efforts, Pope Francis informed them that he is with those who suffer the pain of losing their loved ones and losing their means of life. They appreciated the way they coped and wished them well in their journey ahead. The Pope concluded the message by asking them to pray for him, praying that the blessings of the Blessed Virgin follow them.

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2023-11-24 15:12:24

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