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Pope in Singapore: Don’t exclude the marginalized from progress

(ANSA) – SINGAPORE, 12 SEPTEMBER – Speaking to the authorities of Singapore, Pope Francis – who is in Singapore – highlighted “the risk that a certain pragmatism and a certain exaltation of merit entail, that is, the unintended consequence of legitimizing the exclusion of those who are on the margins of the benefits of progress”. The Pontiff expressed the hope “that particular attention be paid to the poor, the elderly and to protecting the dignity of migrant workers”, and that efforts to improve the living conditions of citizens “continue until they fully involve all the inhabitants of Singapore”. “The sophisticated technologies of the digital age and the rapid developments in the use of artificial intelligence cannot make us forget that it is essential to cultivate real and concrete human relationships; and that these technologies can be exploited precisely to bring us closer to one another, promoting understanding and solidarity, and not to dangerously isolate ourselves in a fictitious and impalpable reality. Singapore – continued Francis – also has a specific role to play in the international order, threatened by conflicts and bloody wars, and I am happy that it has meritoriously promoted multilateralism and an order based on rules shared by all. I encourage you to continue working for the unity and fraternity of the human race, for the benefit of the common good of all peoples and all nations, with an understanding that is neither exclusive nor narrow of national interests. Your commitment to sustainable development and the protection of creation – the Pope continued – is an example to follow, and the search for innovative solutions to address environmental challenges can encourage other countries to do the same. We live in an era of environmental crisis, and we must not underestimate the impact that a small nation like Singapore can have on it – the Pontiff underlined -. Your unique position offers you access to capital, technology and talent, resources that can drive innovation to care for our common home”. (ANSA).

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#Pope #Singapore #Dont #exclude #marginalized #progress
– 2024-09-12 04:11:34

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