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Pope Francis Urges Vatican and Holy See Staff to Follow Path of Simplicity

As usual, Pope Francis meets with Vatican and Holy See staff and their families before Christmas to wish them a happy Christmas. The Pope exhorted everyone to follow the path of simplicity in this era that is sometimes “obsessed with appearance”: in a family, appearances and masks are not important, what is important is that there is no lack of mutual care, tenderness and compassion.

(Vatican News) Pope Francis met with employees of the Vatican City State and the Holy See and their families in the Paul VI Hall on the morning of December 21, and exchanged Christmas greetings with them. The Pope urges them to live out “hiddenness and insignificance”, two qualities that convey “the tenderness of God”. In addition, the Pope also pointed out that “goodness does not make a fuss when it grows, but it brings beautiful peace and joy to the heart.”

“The era we live in today sometimes seems to be obsessed with appearance, and everyone tries to show themselves in the window. This is an era full of decoration. Everyone dresses up. Not only their faces are made up, but their hearts are also painted with makeup. This is terrible.”

The Pope said that people express themselves especially through so-called “social platforms”. “This is somewhat similar to wanting a precious crystal cup, but not caring about the quality of the wine. You can drink good wine from an ordinary cup. However, in a family, appearances and masks are not important. Family members know everything, or these appearances and Masks don’t last long anyway. What matters is that there is no lack of good wine of mutual love, tenderness and compassion.”

God, the little seed that bears fruit

Closeness, mercy and tenderness: this is God’s style. The Pope went on to explain that God became human and lived among us, appearing in the most ordinary way and not “imposing his greatness on others.” He is like “a little seed hidden in the soil, which can bear fruit only after it dies.”

“He is the God of the lowly, the God of the weak. With Him we all learn the way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven: not by superficial piety, but by becoming as small as a child.”

love without hustle and bustle

The Pope recognizes the importance of his staff in serving the Church and society. Although the work is often done in day-to-day obscurity, it provides a Christian witness. “Here, first of all,” needs to be witnessed. The Pope invites everyone to look at the “hiddenness and insignificance” of Jesus in the cave. Love makes no noise.

The Pope concluded by blessing his staff and their families with “attention to the little things of the day, the humble gestures of gratitude and the loving care in the home.” “Looking at the Nativity Manger, we can imagine the tender tenderness of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph towards the newborn Jesus. I wish that each of you will live up to this style.”

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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2023-12-21 13:56:41

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