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Pope Francis Urges European Countries to Take Responsibility for Refugees and Open Ports


The Pope, who is visiting France, emphasized that European countries must take responsibility for refugees and open their ports.

President Emmanuel Macron said there was nothing to be ashamed of, but protests against police racism were held throughout Paris.

Reporter Kim Seon-hee reports.


Pope Francis visits Marseille, France to attend the Mediterranean Bishops’ Conference.

He emphasized that European countries must be more responsible towards refugees.

He called for ports to be opened to those risking their lives to escape.

[프란치스코 / 교황 : 각국의 상황에 따라 많은 수의 합법적이고 정기적이며 지속 가능한 입국을 보장해야 합니다.]

The Pope, who has always mentioned the refugee issue, poured out his remarks as if he had made up his mind.

He said that the deaths of refugees crossing the sea should not be considered only in numbers, and that the Mediterranean Sea has already become a huge tomb.

[프란치스코 / 교황 : 지중해를 문명의 요람에서 존엄의 묘지로 바꾸고 있습니다. 그것은 이민자들의 억눌린 외침입니다.]

The Pope brought up the refugee issue again in his meeting with the President, but President Macron reportedly said there was nothing to be ashamed of.

However, there are quite a few French people who have different opinions.

[꼴레뜨 레그랑 / 시민 : 교황은 불우한 사람들의 말을 아주 많이 듣고 있습니다. 바로 우리가 듣지 않고 있는 사람들의 말입니다. 그의 가장 큰 관심사는 바로 모든 이주민에 관한 것입니다.]

While the Pope appealed for refugee issues, protests were held throughout Paris to protest racism and violent government power.

In fact, France has recently strengthened border security to prevent migrants from crossing over from Italy, and Italy is also not actively engaging in rescue efforts.

Germany has also temporarily suspended its plan to distribute migrants arriving in Italy.

According to the International Organization for Migration, the number of refugees who have gone missing while crossing the sea since 2014 has so far exceeded 28,000.

This is YTN Kim Seon-hee.

Video editing: Su-min Han

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2023-09-24 00:19:00
#Pope #Mediterranean #huge #tomb.. #Macron #ashamed

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