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Pope Francis Thanks Vatican Security Personnel for Dedication and Service

Today, Pope Francis renewed his thanks to the security personnel for the work they do, stressing concern for the well-being of everyone, during his reception of security officials and personnel in the Vatican.

Pope Francis received on Saturday morning officials and members of the Public Security Oversight Department in the Vatican. The Holy Father began by welcoming everyone to this traditional meeting at the beginning of each year and greeted his guests, their families, and the guides who follow them on the path of their Christian lives. The Pope then thanked his guests for their work with honesty and patience, providing those who come to the Vatican from Italy and abroad the possibility of living moments of faith and prayer as pilgrims, or moments of enjoyment as tourists, in an atmosphere of calm order and security. The Pope described this as sensitive work worthy of appreciation, especially since it is work that is done daily, day and night, and throughout the year. His Holiness the Pope continued by thanking his guests and their families for their distinctive readiness and adaptability to their work to ensure his safety and the safety of his assistants during visits and transportation in Rome and other Italian cities, where they often respond to uncomfortable timing and logistical needs.

Pope Francis continued his talk about this work, pointing out that it has many facets, as it combines patient prevention, oversight on the ground, and management of unexpected situations that may be dangerous at times. He added that all of this is done quietly and without attracting attention, and His Holiness assured his guests that this work requires courage, tact, strong nerves, and an understanding of the needs and difficult situations of those who ask them for help or those who make their intervention necessary through various actions.

Then Pope Francis wanted to recall what Pope Saint John XXIII said about the work of security personnel, where he described it as an arduous task that requires important moral qualities, first and foremost dedication and self-dedication for the common good. The Holy Father continued that this is what prompted the Holy Pope to describe security personnel as good servants of the human community and peacemakers in society. Pope Francis added that these are words rich in meaning that well express what is expected of security personnel on the one hand and the ideals from which they are inspired on the other. His Holiness stressed that the common good and peace in society are not always achieved and do not flourish automatically, and therefore he spoke about the fact that the limited nature of man, which is wounded by sin, requires, with its light and shadows, the need for there to be someone who does not remain a mere spectator in the face of evil, but rather bears the responsibility to intervene in order to protect it. Victims and returning violators to the system, while always caring for the well-being of everyone.

Pope Francis continued, telling his guests that, based on this commitment, they are often the reference for many other needs that may be less institutional, but are no less important from a humanitarian point of view. His Holiness pointed out that security personnel respond to these various needs, such as requesting information or intervening when unexpected things happen, or some resorting to them to express some discomfort or seeking some understanding and sympathy from those who feel marginalized. The Holy Father added that this happens because people know that they can trust security personnel, and this is very important.

Then Pope Francis concluded his speech to the security officials and supervisors in the Vatican, reiterating his thanks, then granting everyone and their families a blessing, entrusting them to the intercession of Saint Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel, the intercessor of his guests. The Pope then confirmed his prayers for them, asking them not to forget to pray for him.

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2024-02-10 11:26:57

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