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Pope Francis: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Be A Nato Provocation

PAUS Francis mentions Russian invasion to Ukraine since February 24, 2022 must also be seen from the possibility of provocation NATO. The Pope is of the opinion that the current war situation cannot be seen only from the surface.

Share Pope Francis, the war in Ukraine is also part of the fragments of World War III, which is already happening. The weapons industry is also suspected to have played a role behind this invasion.

“The danger is that we only see this (the ferocity of the Ukrainian war), which is terrible, and we don’t see the whole drama that goes on behind this war, which may in some way be provoked or not prevented,” he said. , Tuesday (14/6/2022).

In conversation posted in the Jesuit journal Lacivilta Cattolica on Tuesdaythe Pope declared that there are no metaphysical good and bad people in this war in Ukraine.

Putin, he said, could not be described as a wolf in the war. On the other hand, the Pope continued, NATO troops cannot be called The Little Red Riding Hood.

The story of the Red Riding Hood is a French fairy tale. In the story that became the Pope’s analogy, the wolf is an evil character.

Written by Charles Perrault in 1697, the tale of the Red Riding Hood has evolved into many versions, including the Grimm brothers, which have different endings.

The Pope has repeatedly condemned the war in Ukraine but has also drawn criticism for failing to explicitly blame the Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“There are no metaphysical good people and bad people here, in the abstract sense,” he said in a conversation with the editor of Lacivilta Cattolica a month ago.

“Something global is emerging, with very intertwined elements.”

Pope Francis’ comments on Ukraine are in response to the editor’s question La Civilta Cattolica on how to communicate the situation in Ukraine and the contribution that can be made.

The Pope answered the question by directly stating that this situation cannot refer to the normal pattern of the Red Riding Hood fairy tale, where the wolf is the bad guy and the girl in the red hood the good guy.

Then, the Pope also spoke about his meeting with a head of state, a few months before Russia invaded Ukraine. Without naming names and countries, the Pope referred to the head of state as a wise man, who spoke very little, and was very wise.

During the meeting, the Pope continued, the head of state expressed his concern about the movement of NATO. The Pope then asked the reason for the concern.

“They were barking at the Russian gates. They do not understand that Russia is imperialist and will not allow foreign powers to approach them,” the Pope said, citing the head of state’s response.

According to the Pope, the head of state also called the situation when the talks took place had led to war.

“The head of state can read the signs of what is going on,” said the Pope dalam publikasi The Catholic Civilization.

Pope Francis has denied that anyone accuses him of supporting Putin.

“Someone might be telling me at this point (that) you are pro-Putin! No, I’m not (Putin supporter). It’s too simplistic and wrong to say such things,” he said.

The Pope went on to explain that his stance was against simplifying the complexities of the Ukrainian war situation.

“I am only against reducing the complexity (of the situation in Ukraine) to (merely) the difference between good people and bad people, without consideration of roots and interests, which are very complex.”

The Pope also mentioned the possibility that the interests of the arms industry are also behind the situation in Ukraine at the moment.

“(Namely) interest in testing and selling weapons. It’s sad, but in the end that’s what’s at stake.

World War III Pieces

Still from the same conversation, the Pope suspected that at this time World War III had actually occurred. The difference with the two previous World Wars is that the war outbreaks took place in far apart places and seemed to have their own reasons.

“We see what is happening in Ukraine because (its location) is closer to us and more sensitive to our sensitivities. However, there are other countries (which are also engulfed in war) that are far away… and no one cares,” the Pope said. .

Pope Francis cited the wars in Nigeria, Congo, Rwanda and Myanmar as examples of wars that the world seems to care little about.

“Several years ago it occurred to me to say that we are living a third world war, piece by piece. For me, today, World War III has been declared,” the Pope said.

According to the Pope, now is the time for all of us to take a break, to think.

“What happened to humanity that we have three world wars in one century?” Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis then alluded to the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings, which were held three years ago. The landing on June 6, 1944 marked the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

“Many heads of state and government celebrated the success (of the landing). No one remembers the tens of thousands of youths who died on the beach in the landing,” he said.

The Pope said that while recounting his moments visiting the graves of victims of world wars, most of whom were young soldiers. Also, his encounters with women of all ages are in Slovakia, with far fewer adult men present among them.

“The war has taken their husbands,” Pope Francis said.

To the editors of La Civilta Cattolica, Pope Francis asked them to discuss the human side of war, not just geopolitical calculations and other technical matters of war.

“I want you to show the drama of human war… The drama of humans in war, those graves of (young soldiers)… the drama of the woman who opens the door to the postman with a letter of thanks for giving her son to the country…. “

In terms of the Ukraine war, Pope Francis called the Ukrainian people brave, with a long history of resistance to slavery and occupation.

History, the Pope said, seems to have shaped Ukraine as a heroic country, with a mix of heroic stories and the gentleness of its people at the same time.

“Great humanity, extraordinary tenderness. Courageous women. Brave people. People who are not afraid of war. People who work hard and are at the same time proud of their land,” he said.

The Pope also stated that the Ukraine war in these days is a world war situation, with global interests at play—including arms sales and geopolitical domination—, which kills heroic people.

Until Tuesday (14/6/2022), war in Ukraine has passed its 110th day. Mikhail Kasyanov, who was once Putin’s prime minister, estimates this war could last up to two years.

Being Putin’s first prime minister, Kasyanov was sacked in 2004 and is now one of the Kremlin’s main critics. In terms of this war, Kasyanov believes that Ukraine must win this war.

Kasyanov also disagrees with French President Emmanuel Macron’s suggestion that Ukraine give up its territory to end the war at the same time so as not to embarrass Putin.

“This (proposal) is wrong and I hope the West will not go down that path,” Kasyanov said of Macron’s proposal.


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