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Pope Francis Prays for Peace in a World Ravaged by Violence

Pope Francis Prays for Peace in a World Ravaged by Violence

On the evening of October 27, the Day of Prayer, Fasting and Penance for Peace, Pope Francis prayed for peace in a world ravaged by violence during the liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica. The Pope turned to the Virgin Mary and entrusted the destiny of mankind to her: “I ask you to shake the hearts of those who are trapped in hatred and make those who instigate conflict change their ways. I ask you to wipe away the tears of children and, in the dark night of conflict, It brings a ray of light.”

(Vatican News) “Peace in the world”: Peace in a world troubled and torn by division and hatred. At six o’clock in the evening on October 27, Pope Francis once again came to the statue of Mary, Queen of Peace, to plead for the grace of peace for the Holy Land ravaged by violence, just as he had done for Syria, Africa and Ukraine.

On this day of prayer, fasting and penance for peace, appointed by Pope Francis, he personally presided over the closing liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica. This is a day when God’s people all over the world unite in prayer, with the sole intention that weapons will be silenced and “leaders of all countries embark on the path of peace”.

Pray with the People of God

At the beginning of the liturgy, the choir sang a hymn called “Our Lady of the Blessed Virgin Mary Looks Down on Our People.” During the singing, the Pope entered St. Peter’s Basilica in a wheelchair and prayed silently for a moment in front of the statue of Our Lady. Then, the Pope and everyone present publicly recited the Rosary of the Five Parts of Pain, listened to and meditated on the selected Gospel passages, and the teachings of the early church fathers on this.

There were about 4,000 attendees gathered in the basilica, including believers from the Diocese of Rome and participants from the World Bishops Conference. At the same time, peoples enduring bloody conflicts in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, Kiev, Ukraine, northern Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa are also eager for peace.

War tears the world apart

After reciting the prayer, the Pope spoke for these people living in war-torn areas and brought their suffering and hope to the Virgin Mary. The Pope prayed: “Blessed Virgin Mary, look upon us! We are gathered before you at this moment.”

Our Lady knows “our hardships and pains”. “You are the Queen of Peace,” the Pope cries out, “who suffers with us and for us, who cares for your many children who are tormented by strife, who are anxious and confused by the wars that tear the world apart. This is a moment of darkness, a darkness. moment, Mother. And in this dark moment, we immerse ourselves in your bright eyes and entrust ourselves to your Sacred Heart, which is sensitive to our plight.”

Take care of everyone’s life

Today is filled with “anxiety and fear.” The Mother of God has experienced all this in her life, but she did not let it deter her. In a prayer dedicated to the Blessed Mother, the Pope said: “At a critical moment, you took positive action. Now, please take positive action for us again.”

“Please look lovingly upon the human family. Humanity has lost its way to peace, chosen Cain instead of Abel, lost its sense of friendship, and cannot find a family atmosphere.” “Please help our dangerous and turbulent world Intercession. Please teach us to accept and care for life, every human life, and teach us to resist the madness of war. War sows the seeds of death and destroys the future.”

Take responsibility for peace

Our Lady calls the world to prayer and penance. The Pope bluntly pointed out, “However, we, who only care about our own needs and are distracted by many worldly interests, turn a deaf ear to your invitation. And you love us deeply and never get tired of us. Please hold our hand.” .

The Pope implored Mary to “help us to guard unity in the Church and to be craftsmen of coexistence in the world” and “to make us feel our responsibility for peace.”

children’s tears

The Pope entrusts human weakness to the hands of the Blessed Mother, saying: “We cannot do it alone. Without Jesus, your Son, we can do nothing. And you bring us back to Jesus, our peace.” Already in 2022 At the beginning of the war in March, the Pope had consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

“Merciful mother, we cry for mercy; after peace, we cry for peace! Please shake the hearts of those who are unable to extricate themselves from hatred, and make those who instigate conflict change their ways. Please wipe away the tears of children. They are now Tears welled up in my eyes. ⋯⋯Please help the lonely and elderly, support the injured and sick, protect those who have left their loved ones behind and are forced to leave their homes, comfort those who have lost faith, and rekindle hope.”

Please bring a ray of light in the dark night of conflict

The Pope entrusts and consecrates our lives, who we are and what we have, to Our Lady. The Pope dedicated the church to the Blessed Virgin Mary, hoping that “the church will become a sign of harmony and a vessel of peace.” The Pope consecrated the world to Our Lady, “especially countries and regions at war”.

“You are the dawn of salvation,” the pope prayed, “bringing a ray of light in the dark night of conflict. You are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and you inspire the leaders of all nations on the path to peace. You are the Holy Mother of all peoples, your Please help our children, who have fallen into the temptations of sin and are blinded by power and hatred, to make peace with one another.”

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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2023-10-28 11:48:05

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