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Pope Francis: People with homosexual tendencies are God’s children

Pope Francis has declared that laws criminalizing homosexual, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are a sin and injustice because God loves and accompanies people with same-sex attraction, reports “Reuters”.

The words of the head of the Roman Catholic Church were in response to a question from a reporter on board the papal plane returning from a trip to two countries in Africa.

The criminalization of homosexuality is a problem that cannot be ignored, Pope Francis stressed.

He cited statistics showing that 50 countries criminalize LGBT people “in one way or another” and about 10 others have laws including the death penalty for them.

Sixty-six UN member states continue to criminalize consensual same-sex sex, according to data from ILGA World – the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

In several countries where same-sex relations are illegal, the punishments include the death penalty.

However, Pope Francis was categorical: “This is not right. People with homosexual tendencies are God’s children. God loves them. God accompanies them. To condemn such a person is a sin.”

Criminalizing people with homosexual tendencies is an injustice, he also pointed out.

The Pope noted that the Catechism, the Catholic Church’s teaching book, states that same-sex attraction is not a sin, but homosexual acts are. It also states that LGBT people should not be marginalized.

Pope Francis has reiterated that he cannot judge gender-biased people who seek God.

He added that during his visit to Ireland in 2018, he stated that parents cannot disown their LGBT children, but must keep them in a loving family.

Also on board the plane were the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland Ian Greenshields.

Both Christian leaders supported the Pope’s words.

Archbishop Welby pointed out that the Anglican Communion itself is divided over gay rights and resolutions against the criminalization of LGBT people “have changed the minds of many out there”.

The archbishop added: “I will certainly quote the Holy Father. He said it so beautifully and precisely.”

For his part, the Rev. Dr. Greenshields referred to the Bible, saying, “Nowhere in the four gospels do I see Jesus turning anyone away. Nowhere in the four gospels do I see anything but Jesus expressing love to everyone he meets, and as Christians it is the only expression we can give to any human being under any circumstances.”

Pope Francis reiterated that the Catholic Church cannot allow the ordination of same-sex couples.

However, he stressed that he supports so-called civil unions legislation, which gives same-sex couples legal protection on issues such as pensions, inheritance and health care.

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