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Pope Francis Emphasizes Intergenerational Communication and the Beauty of Life in Mass Celebrating World Grandparents and Elders Day

Pope Francis presided over mass on the morning of the third World Grandparents and Elders Day, saying that intergenerational communication is a good way to learn the beauty of life and enhance the life of the church.

(Vatican News Network) The universal Church celebrates the third World Day of Grandparents and Elders on Sunday, July 23, with the theme “His mercy from generation to generation” (Lk 1:50). Pope Francis presided over Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican that morning, and more than 8,000 believers attended the ceremony. In his homily, the Pope reflected on the three parables of the Gospel of the day, noting that their common denominator is “to grow together”.

Wheat and weeds grow together

The first parable in the Gospel of the day is that the wheat and the weeds grow in the same field (cf. Mt. 13:24-30), which reminds Christians to keep their feet on the ground and look forward to life. “In human history, as in the life of each of us, light and shadow, love and selfishness, even good and evil are in some way intertwined and inseparable,” explained the Pope. A down-to-earth attitude thus allows one to let go of one’s ideology, “understanding that evil does not only come from without, but also to combat the evil within each of us”.

Patience and trust in the Lord

Christians should not be “impulsive and aggressive” to eradicate the seeds of evil and leave behind the seeds of good. “One of our common temptations is to pursue a ‘pure society’ and a ‘pure church’. In the process of purification, we may become impatient, uncompromising, and even violent towards those who make mistakes.”

The correct attitude towards evil, the Pope pointed out, is patience. This allows us to respect others and realize that “God’s work must ultimately prevail over evil”.

Accept the mysteries of life

The Pope went on to mention that older people sometimes dwell on the past and want to correct past mistakes. However, Jesus invites grandparents and the elderly to “accept the mysteries of life with peace and patience, leaving judgment to the Lord and not living the rest of our lives with regrets and remorse”.

“Later age is indeed a blessed time, because it is a time of reconciliation, of looking tenderly at the light that has revealed itself, and even if there are shadows, trusting in the hope that the good wheat sown by God will outweigh the weeds that the devil seeks to distract us”.

Building a Friendship Society Through Enrichment of Exchanges

The second parable in the Gospel of the day is that the kingdom of heaven is like a small mustard seed in human history. Grow vigorously and grow old day by day, similar to a mustard seed growing into a big tree, so that others can enjoy the shade.

The pope said that grandparents provide a place for children and grandchildren to learn the warmth and tenderness of the family. “In this rich exchange we can learn the beauty of life, build a society of fraternity and foster mutual encounters in the Church, where tradition and novelty, inspired by the Holy Spirit, come into dialogue”.

Inheritance of Faith

The third parable is kneading dough with the leaven of heaven. This act of “kneading”, the Pope emphasized, means inviting intergenerational exchange. Therefore, we must overcome individualism and selfishness to prevent the elderly from being marginalized, abandoned and alone.

At the end of his homily, the Pope invited young people and elders to share grace, grow together, listen to each other, talk to each other and support each other.

At the end of the Mass, five elders handed over the WYD cross to five young people. The latter is about to leave for Lisbon to participate in the World Youth Festival to be held in Portugal from August 1st to 6th.

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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2023-07-24 07:22:52

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