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Pope Francis Discusses Health and Deviations from Speeches on Trip to Portugal

Pope Francis has‍ revealed that his recovery from his recent abdominal surgery is⁤ going well. Speaking ‍aboard the papal plane on⁤ his way back from a five-day trip to Portugal, the pontiff explained that he spoke off-the-cuff⁢ during his visit to ⁤better communicate with young people, not because ⁢he ​was tired ⁢or unwell. This trip marked Francis’ first since his hospitalization in June for abdominal hernia surgery and the removal of intestinal scar tissue.

During⁤ his visit to Portugal, the 86-year-old pope deviated ⁢from his usual speeches, homilies, ​and prayers, which are typically prepared months in advance. One notable deviation was his decision to skip a prayer for peace ‍at the⁣ Portuguese shrine⁤ of Fatima. The prayer was ‌supposed to be a highlight of his visit, given the shrine’s historical connection to peace ⁣and Russia’s conversion after World War ⁣I. However, Francis ad-libbed ‌his ⁣speech and recited a Hail Mary with young disabled people instead.⁣ The Vatican ⁢later posted part of the prayer on Twitter.

When asked about his decision to⁢ skip the peace prayer, Francis explained that he had prayed ​silently for peace but didn’t want to give “publicity” to a public prayer.⁤ A Vatican official, speaking⁢ anonymously, denied‌ any ‌diplomatic considerations influenced ​the pope’s decision, suggesting it was ⁤an attempt to separate Fatima’s religious value ‍from its historical⁤ context.

Regarding⁤ his speeches during the trip, Francis admitted ‍that he cut them short because he realized young people have limited attention spans. ⁤He emphasized⁤ the need​ to engage them rather than lecture them with lengthy discourses or homilies. The pope⁤ called for a⁤ new approach⁢ to homilies‌ that are brief and deliver a clear, loving message.

On his recovery, Francis mentioned that he had ⁣the abdominal stitches removed but ​would ⁤need⁣ to wear a ​protective belt for⁤ two to three ‍months to ensure proper healing. He reassured reporters that his health is good.

In⁣ other comments, the pope affirmed​ his inclusive vision for the Catholic Church, stating that ⁢LGBTQ+ Catholics are​ welcome. He emphasized that each person finds their⁢ own path to God within ‍the church,⁤ which serves as a ⁣guiding mother.

The Associated Press religion coverage receives support through its collaboration with The Conversation US, funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP⁢ is solely responsible for the content.
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How has‌ Pope Francis emphasized the importance of reaching out to the marginalized and disadvantaged

Es, and formal addresses⁢. ‍Instead, he engaged in casual conversations⁤ ⁤with young people and took questions from them spontaneously. The pope expressed his desire ⁤to establish a direct connection⁤ with the ​younger generation,⁤ who he⁢ believes are facing various challenges in the modern world.

Pope Francis’ ⁤decision ⁤to communicate informally during his trip was met with mixed​ reactions. While⁣ some appreciated his approachability ⁣and willingness to ​connect with young people on a personal level, others⁢ criticized⁤ it as a departure from the traditional norms ​of papal communication.​ However, ‌the pontiff defended his style,⁤ stating that he wanted to engage in a​ genuine dialogue ⁤without any scripts or prepared​ remarks.

Regarding his recovery from his recent surgery,⁣ Pope Francis reassured reporters that he was progressing well. He underwent the medical procedure in July, which involved repairing an abdominal hernia and addressing intestinal scar tissue. The pontiff expressed gratitude ​for the medical team⁢ that took⁣ care of him and thanked everyone who had sent well wishes and prayers​ during his hospitalization.

The pope’s health has been a concern for many, given his age​ and previous medical issues. In 2013, he underwent surgery ⁣to remove part of one lung due to an infection. However, Pope Francis has remained active and dedicated ⁣to his duties. He has continuously emphasized the importance of reaching‌ out to the marginalized and disadvantaged, while also speaking out on various global issues, such as climate change, poverty, and‍ migration.

As Pope Francis​ returned to the Vatican, he expressed his gratitude for the warm reception⁤ he received in Portugal. He also ​thanked the‌ Portuguese government and authorities for ⁣their hospitality and cooperation during his visit. ⁣The pontiff⁣ emphasized⁢ the need for unity and collaboration⁤ in addressing the challenges faced by society today.

Overall, Pope Francis’ trip to Portugal showcased his commitment ⁤to engaging ⁢with young people⁤ and highlighting their concerns. His decision ⁤to communicate off-the-cuff was a deliberate effort ⁢to establish a more personal connection⁤ with the younger generation.‍ As his recovery progresses well, the pontiff continues to⁢ inspire others with his dedication and compassion.

1 thought on “Pope Francis Discusses Health and Deviations from Speeches on Trip to Portugal”

  1. I admire Pope Francis for his openness and willingness to discuss important topics like health and deviations from speeches. It shows his commitment to transparency and creating dialogue within the Catholic community.


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