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Pope Francis calls for corona vaccines to be shared with poorest countries | NOW

The international community must share corona vaccines with the poorest countries. That is what Pope Francis said on Sunday in his traditional Easter message.

Pope Francis called the vaccines “essential in the fight against the virus.” He went on to say that “all people, especially the vulnerable, need help and have the right to access this necessary care”.

Furthermore, the Pope praised the care of the medical staff during the corona crisis and showed sympathy for young people who cannot go to school and cannot see their peers. “We all need real human contact, not just virtual contact,” said the Pope.

Pope condemns silence around Yemen

The Easter speech was not just about the corona virus. Pope Francis also mentioned armed conflict in Syria, Yemen and Libya in particular in his speech.

“May Christ, our peace, finally end the ceasefire in beloved and war-torn Syria, where millions of people currently live in inhumane conditions. In Yemen, where the situation has turned into a deafening and scandalous silence. And in Libya, where there is finally hope. “

The Pope’s Easter message could be followed live via a live stream from St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. Several dozen people were present, who were far apart because of the corona regulations.

Normally tens of thousands of interested people are present when the Pope speaks from a balcony of the basilica, but due to the measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus, St. Peter’s Square and the church were almost empty.

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