Home » World » Pope Francis Announces Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and Second Part of Laudato si Encyclical

Pope Francis Announces Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and Second Part of Laudato si Encyclical

At the end of Wednesday’s public audience, Pope Francis mentioned the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which will take place on September 1. In addition, the Pope announced that the document will be published on October 4 as the second part of the encyclical Laudato si.

(Vatican News Network) Pope Francis issued an appeal in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican on the last Wednesday in August, referring to the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation that will take place on September 1 and the day that will enter the The period of creation. On the day when the period of creation ends, that is, on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Pope will issue a document as the second part of the encyclical Laudato si. Previously, the Pope revealed the news that he was writing the document when he received a delegation of lawyers from member states of the European Commission on August 21.

During the audience, the Pope indicated his intention to issue an exhortation, a second document on the care of our common home. “Let us, together with our Christian brothers and sisters, strive to guard creation as a divine gift of the Creator,” said the Pope.

The theme of this year’s Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is “May justice and peace flow like rivers”. Pope Pope told the audience at the focus of this Day of Prayer: “It is imperative to stand with the victims of environmental and climatic injustice and to work to end the senseless war on our common home, that It is a world war of horrors. I urge you all to act and pray that our common home may once again thrive.”

In his message, the Pope proposes “to change our hearts, our style of life, and the public policies that govern our societies”. The Pope spoke again of the ecological conversion, appealing that creation should no longer be treated as an object to be exploited but must be “guarded as a divine gift of the Creator”. The Pope insisted that it is imperative to “change public policies” because they “govern our society and shape the lives of young people today and tomorrow”. Emphasizing the importance of walking together, the Pope wished that “in this time of creation, followers of Christ, we will live together, work side by side, and pray together on our common path of fellowship, so that our common home may once again flourish. “.

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2023-08-31 08:50:48

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