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Pope “End of meaningless war”… Putin, still ‘negotiating theory’

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In his Christmas address, Pope Francis once again called for an end to the war in Ukraine.

At Christmas, Ukrainian soldiers fervently prayed for an end to the war.

Jo Myung-ah is a correspondent in Paris.

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St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, Rome.

Pope Francis once again referred to the war in Ukraine in his Christmas address.

The Pope has always hinted at the war in Ukraine in recent public appearances, and this Christmas he stressed that we must end the meaningless war.

[프란치스코 교황]

“May the Lord allow concrete acts of solidarity to help those who suffer and awaken the hearts of those who have the power to silence the clamor of arms and put an immediate end to this senseless war”.

The same goes for heads of state in Europe.

In a speech, German President Steinmeier promised support until a just peace, and King Felipe VI of Spain also expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

[펠리페 6세/스페인 국왕]

“In particular, our greetings and our affection to the Ukrainian refugees and all their compatriots who are in our country today”.

Ukraine, which believed in Eastern Orthodoxy like Russia and celebrated Christmas in January, started celebrating Christmas on December 25 this year due to the influence of the war.

Some of the soldiers who attended the Christmas mass prayed fervently for an end to the war in the new year, remembering their comrades who spent Christmas on the battlefield.

[루슬란/우크라이나 영토방위군]

“All soldiers want to see their families, but the odds are very slim. It’s hard to figure out that they’re celebrating (Christmas) somewhere on the battlefield and not at home.”

Russian President Putin has repeatedly raised the idea of ​​peace talks on Christmas Day.

In an interview with the state broadcaster, he said he was ready for negotiations, saying, “Our goal is to end the war,” but the possibility of negotiations seems practically slim as he insists he cannot withdraw from the occupied territories. which have already been annexed.

This is Cho Myeong-ah from MBC News in Paris.

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