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Pope Benedict XVI Finally Apologize

KOMPAS.com – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI finally apologize for the cases sexual harassment children that occurred under his supervision when he served as the Archbishop in Munich, Germany.

“I can only reveal to all victims of sexual abuse shame my deep, my grief is deep and sincerely beg for forgiveness,” wrote Benedict XVI, whose real name is Joseph Ratzinger, in a letter released by the Vatican on Tuesday (8/2/2022).

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A letter from the former leader of the Catholic Church who resigned in 2013, it was released as a response to the results of the investigation in Germany that was published last month and criticized the handling of the cases involving a priest pedophilia in the 1980s.

“I have a great responsibility in the Catholic Church. That is great is my pain for violations and errors that occur in different places during the period of my mandate,” wrote Benedict XVI.

However, the organization that represents victims of harassment catapult criticism on the responses it and judged it “the lack of specific”.

Group Eckiger Tisch in Germany say, Benedict continued the tradition of the Catholic Church that states that there are actions and mistakes, but no one takes the responsibility of the real.

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The results of the investigation in Germany which was released last month, accusing Joseph Ratzinger deliberately protect the four priests accused of sexual abuse against childrenchildren, when he became Archbishop of Munich between 1977 and 1982.

Team aide and adviser to Benedict in a statement released together with the statement Benekdiktus Tuesday insisted that as an Archbishop, Cardinal Ratzinger was not involved in the act of abuse is covered up.

In one case, a priest pedophilia Peter Hullmann moved to Munich to Essen, where he is accused of harassing a boy aged 11 years.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/global/image/2022/02/09/200100670/paus-benediktus-xvi-akhirnya-minta-maaf?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">DPA via DW INDONESIA Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger when it became Archbishop in Munich, Germany, in 1977.-

Tim Benedict has previously been admitted to accidentally give the wrong information to the compiler reports of harassment, when they mengatalan Ratzinger is not present at the meetings about Hullmann in 1980. Authors of the report then disclose the evidence of the protocols of the meeting which prove the presence of Ratzinger.

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Hurt branded a liar

In the letter a statement, Benedict expressed the heartache that checks for its presence at a meeting of the 1980s has been used to cast doubt on the truth, and even taste them a liar.

Benedict, who was 94 years old and currently living in a former monastery in the Vatican complex said, he is grateful for the trust, support and prayers are privately disclosed Pope Francis to me. In his letter he also said, every day asking himself whether he was guilty of the “mistakes most pathetic”.

However the letter statements Benedict was criticized by a network of survivors of the SNAP. “The opportunity to clear up the reports from Munich had been wasted,” said SNAP as he condemned the lack of honesty Benedict.

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