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Pope Amghar Dieng: the unifier / By Moussa SECK

Tuesday January 24, 2023 will remain a historic, memorable day for Mauritanian football with the first victory coupled with a qualification for a quarter-final of a continental competition: the CHAN. But the euphoria, the ecstasy will quickly give way to desolation, to sadness with the terrible news of the death of PAPE AMGHAR DIENG, vice-president of the FFRIM and head of the Mauritanian delegation.

It was around 9:40 p.m. when Ahmedou SG of the FFRIM with his mastery of public speaking told me the shocking news that the euphemism he used to mitigate the effect of the news could not dampen the devastating shock that invades me. The immense distress that I felt to the point of losing my lucidity is certainly shared by all those who had the chance, the privilege of having known him. He is one of those whose life on earth was not futile since he left indelible traces that time will hardly erase from the memory of men.

Pape was a man steeped in human, social and professional qualities. His first quality, key to his success, is “EL BOUROUR” in other words respect, deference, total adoration of his parents and prompt and blind obedience to their slightest wishes when he did not anticipate them. The filial love he had for his parents was very deep, as all the attention and reverence for his father proves.

May THE ALMIGHTY protect him and keep him with us for a long time. Her biggest regret was losing her mom very, very early. Neither the presence of his photo as wallpaper nor his presence on the desk nor his presence in the living room as if to watch over the family nor the name given to his own agency nor even his only daughter Kor who benefited from both the paternal love and the son’s filial love for his mother could not compensate for the loss. Jovial, his smile always lit up his face and reassured everyone who approached him.

. Despite his material and financial well-being, he was a sober, modest and humble man who lived on the same level as everyone else. He refused to move to Tevragh-Zeîna so as not to cut himself off from his roots and stay in the environment where he lived and close to the people who saw him flourish.

A model family man, he was able to give a very good education to his children in accordance with the precepts of our holy religion. It could not be otherwise for the fervent believer that he was. For his family, he was not only husband and father. He was, depending on the circumstances, the big brother, the friend, the companion or the confidant. He was all of this at the same time to put his children on the right path in a world in perdition and increasingly perverse.

POPE AMGHAR DIENG, was a good man whose immense generosity extended to everyone. He does not need to be solicited for his surge of generosity to manifest itself. All the testimonies of relatives or strangers attest to this, such as this old man whose child he had taken care of and the crowd of people who came from all walks of life to accompany him to his last home for an eternal rest in the pantheon. great men.

Pape was a unifier for whom solidarity is a human chain that must not be broken when it comes to a just cause. This is evidenced by its human, material and financial investment in the activities of various family associations, NGOs… aimed at the development of man. From an early age he had shown this virtue with the creation of “Relax”, then of our socio-cultural association “DEUZ” which became known in the sports world with its football team DEUZ FC.

A true unifier whose open mind leads him to involve everyone in decision-making. However, as a good leader, he knew how to bang his fist on the table when the situation required it to impose his decisions against all odds for the good cause. He was a peaceful, consensual man for whom wickedness is not “natural”. Also, he took care of everything to solve any problem likely to disunite the harmony and the smooth running of the group. And like a big man with a big heart, he does not hesitate to ask forgiveness and apologize when he realizes his mistake or the wrong he has done.

On the professional level, he was a punctual, diligent, conscientious, meticulous, organized and serious man in the exercise of his work. A man of commitment, honor and probity, he was passionate and dedicated to the task. A “contagious” passion that he communicated easily around him. This is why, like any go-getter, he did not save himself. He had no limits either in the expenditure of energy or in the management of time to complete his work and the objectives to be achieved. Haunted by success and a job well done, he tolerates neither mistakes nor laziness, and even less mediocrity, which amazes him and often puts him in untimely anger where he is no longer recognized.

A man of principle, a brilliant accountant, rational, pragmatic and dynamic whose skills and qualities as an administrator make him an irreplaceable man. His sudden disappearance leaves behind him a void that is difficult to fill both at the level of “his” CNAM and of the FFRIM. Evidenced by his commitments immediately with the CNAM and the CNASS whose all officials came testified to this great loss which will certainly affect the functioning of these state institutions.

In his spare time, he had two passions which he lived intensely. First of all, sport, football in particular, which allowed him to become known nationally and internationally. He devotes all his free time and all his energy to it. Vice-president of the FFRIM and President of the National Football League, he has a lot to do with the progress and success that our football is currently experiencing. Then, his second passion was music. He was eclectic in his musical choices. His preference was Dire Straits by Marck Knopfler and Super Diamono by Omar Pène, which allowed him to relax and regain moral balance after a day’s work.

Moreover, in his car we only find and listen to these two musicians.

Me who thought that we were orphan only of biological parents. I learned with your hasty departure and many other Bobolys,

N’Gouda, Oumar, Jemal Dieng, Moudy Traoré, Abdou Salam Sy, Kader Dieng, Massa Diarra, Ahmed Yahya…, the friends of Relax, of Deuz, the glories of Thiès, work colleagues, the FFRIM… only the word has an even broader meaning.

Even if we are saddened by this loss, we can only face the facts and accept a destiny that is ours since “TO ALLAH belongs what HE has taken back and it is to HIM that belongs what He gave. Everything for HIM has a term fixed in advance”. To ALLAH we belong and to HIM we will return.

May THE ALMIGHTY cover you with HIS MERCY, expiate your sins and open the doors of HIS PARADISE for you for an eternal rest. Amine.

Moussa SECK

Suggestion kassataya.com :

Mauritania – Death of the President of the National Football League in Oran

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2023-04-23 18:03:11

#Pope #Amghar #Dieng #unifier #Moussa #SECK

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