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Poor results of Robert Kubic in DTM training. There is, however, a big positive

Robert Kubic’s debut in the DTM was not successful. At the beginning of August, the Pole took 14th position twice during the races at the Belgian SPA track. He hoped that it would be much better at the Lausitzring last weekend. Unfortunately it wasn’t. He finished the race twice in 13th place and, as one of the two drivers in the field, he has yet to score a single point.

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Kubica hit badly again. “He took up an extremely difficult challenge”

Before the coming weekend, it was really hard to look for the positives. Any information obtained last week is useless due to the fact that the drivers use a completely different thread of the Lausitzring track, with completely different characteristics. For this reason, Friday’s training sessions were again very important in terms of setting the car up for competition on Saturday and Sunday.

Robert Kubica in the first training significantly lagged behind the pace of the best. He took only 15th place, with a loss of more than 2 seconds, ahead only Fabio Scherer. In the second training it was much better. The Pole took 13th place, but his loss to the fastest Nico Mueller was a second, which is much less than during last week’s qualifying. It is worth noting, however, that the track loop used this weekend is much longer than last week’s.

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