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Poor countries need hundreds of billions a year due to climate change | NOW

Poor countries will already need € 164-348 billion a year in eight years’ time to cope with the worst effects of climate change, and that amount will continue to rise. This is the conclusion of the United Nations UNEP environmental program in a report released Thursday. The topic will be at the top of the agenda during the climate summit in Egypt, which begins next Sunday.

Heat waves, stronger hurricanes and extreme drought this year in Western Europe and East Africa – climate change is not only measurable, but now billions of people are feeling it too. The worst climate catastrophe of 2022 hit Pakistan. More than 1,700 people were killed by heavy rains and floods. Such disasters keep coming more often for climate change.

This is happening in a world that has warmed on average by “only” 1.1 degrees since 1900, UNEP’s UN environmental program reminds us Thursday. That same world is now well on its way to a two or three times such a strong heating.

The consequences of this warming will subsequently increase by a multiple. This is because of the consequences disproportionate sharply increase with higher heating and because many consequences delayed performance.

The world will therefore not only have to make an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible, but will also have to work together to adapt quickly, where possible, to the worst consequences. This is called ‘climate adaptation’.

More than 90 percent of the requested money is not available

UNEP is clearly concerned. Too little, too slow, the failure of climate adaptation puts the world at risk – the title of the annual Adaptation gap report does not blink.

Poor countries will need € 164-348 billion a year by 2030 to absorb the worst consequences. According to UNEP, this annual requirement is increasing and will reach € 322-576 billion by 2050.

At best, around 10 percent is currently available. Rich countries have engaged make available (together with businesses) € 102 billion a year in climate aid to poor countries by 2020.

That $ 102 billion isn’t complete and is also largely made up of loans. Furthermore, this amount is also intended to help those countries reduce their emissions. Donor countries themselves now say they have made around € 30 billion available for climate adaptation in poor countries.

Poorer and richer countries need each other to put pressure on China

It Adaptation gap report comes out every year and the main story always remains the same: as with emission reduction policies, the world is not on track to deliver on its promises and avoid a growing climate crisis.

However, the report is extremely important this year. The United Nations annual climate summit starts next Sunday in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Adaptation is at the top of this year’s agenda and the UN climate reports form the substantial basis for the negotiations.

The poorest countries in particular have been dissatisfied for years because the promised aid has not been granted. If that to trust is being reinstated at the Egyptian climate summit, which could also help further reduce warming. Due to the seething conflict between richer and poorer countries, an intermediate group has been out of the question for several years now.

It is these countries, including China, which are now up to them to tighten their emissions targets for 2030. And herein lies the last chance to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.

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