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Pontivy, Toulouse, Doubs, Honfleur, Jujurieux and Nantes

William Leymergie
SEASON 2023 – 2024

William Leymergie offers the audience an original tour, off the beaten track, to discover the different regions of France, their most unusual sites, but also those with unique experiences, on add to these new cultural and culinary tours to celebrate the diversity of French heritage. .

Site of notice – Altho Company for their famous “Brets” chips in Pontivy

– Crisps sold in all supermarkets or on their website – www.boutique.brets.fr


– “Le sarrazin” creperie

from A Naomh Thuriau from www.creperie-lesarrazin.com

Heritage site – Hôtel d’Assézat in Toulouse

– Open from August to April Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

– Tariff: 14 € – www.fondation-bemberg.fr


– Restaurant “Casa Bomba”

from Toulouse

by Fabrice Mignot from www.casabomba.fr

Outdoor site – Be a lock keeper on a trip in the Doubs electric boat

– Booking on the Doubs Plaisance website

– Price: €50 for a rental of up to 2 hours – www.doubsplaisance.com


– Hotel “Le Sauvage”

or the Besancon

o Room from 115 € o www.lesauvage-besancon.fr

Culinary walk – Fabrice Mignot – La pansette de Gerzat


1.2 kg of Pansettes

80g butter

Side dish of your choice (steamed potatoes, green lentils, etc.)


Cut the pansettes in half or in thick slices.

Arrange them with the butter in a dish.

Cook at 180 ° C for 15 minutes.

Serve hot with the portion of your choice.

Unusual site – The Satie houses in Honfleur (Calvados)

– Open every day except Tuesday, from 10 am to 6 pm.

– Price: €6.50 / adult – www.musees-honfleur.fr


– “The Observatory”

o In Honfleur

the repas is 20 € www.normandie-tourisme.fr/restaurants/la-cidrerie/

Contact site – Bonnet Silk Museum in Jujurieux (Ain)

– Visit from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm.

– Price: €9 for the visit – www.cerdonvalleedelain.fr/musee-soieries-bonnet


— House of Ambronay

o 6 km from the Bonnet silk museum

o Installed in an old village school

o From 130 € for 2 o www.lamaisondambronay.fr

Cultural tour – Exhibition “Prayer for touch, art and matter” at the Nantes Art Museum

– Until September 29, 2024

– From 2 pm to 7 pm and to 9 pm Thursday – www.museedartsdenantes.nantesmetropole.fr

2024-08-07 16:53:02
#Pontivy #Toulouse #Doubs #Honfleur #Jujurieux #Nantes

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