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Ponte Morandi, commemoration for the 43 victims two years after the collapse

“We guarantee the commitment not to leave Genoa alone and we are working so that Genoa can be reborn”. To the families of the victims: “we are at your side, we will continue to support you in your request for ascertaining the truth and attributing the precise responsibilities for this collapse, your pain is our pain, we will continue with you to ask for justice”. And yet there is the government’s commitment “to ensure that our infrastructures are ever safer and more efficient”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this at the commemoration ceremony for the 43 victims of the bridge. “A few days ago we were upstairs to recover the motorway network that had been interrupted _ Conte recalled _ to bridge the gap between Levante and Ponente”. Around the 43 trees that commemorate the 43 victims, up there the new bridge, a minute of silence, the bells of the Genoese churches ring, the sirens of the ships sound, the city stops at 11.36, pain and emotion mark the commemoration of the people who lost their lives that terrible 14 August 2018, the day of the collapse of the Morandi, a wound still open for the city and for the families who lost their loved ones. And there is also anger. First of all that of the relatives of the victims. The representative’s intervention was very hard Eagle possetti, which speaks of the “profound arrogance on the part of those who managed the bridge and did not apologize”. Manager “who did not apologize”, who said “he was treated like a waitress” he added. “Who boasted delusions of persecution for not having been able to build the bridge. Fortunately, this latest absurd request to rebuild was scrapped by the constitutional court”. “We are here to remind you that the families of the 43 victims of the Morandi bridge deserve respect _ the Foreign Minister wrote on Facebook in the meantime, Luigi Di Maio _ This is why an agreement was reached to remove the Benettons from the management of Autostrade. But if someone thinks of retracing their steps, they will always find our resistance. We will be constantly vigilant, daily. The revocation remains on the table, it has never been ruled out. Justice will only be done definitively when the Benettons are totally out of Aspi. “

The day had started in church. “Lord, help us make sense of all this, help us make sense of what happened”, said the archbishop of Genoa. Marco Tasca during the homily delivered in the celebration for the second anniversary of the tragedy. Monsignor Tasca, to give courage to the families of the victims, also said during the homily: “Pain and suffering will not have the last word”. In church, among others, the mayor Marco Bucci and the commissioner representing the Region Ilaria Cavo. The mass, open to the public, was the first of the moments with which Genoa relives that day, following the commemoration in the Clearing of Memory, under the new Genoa San Giorgio bridge, with the President of the Council Giuseppe Conte, the Minister of Infrastructure Paola Danieli and the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede. The ceremony opened with the screening of a film dedicated to the victims. Then the blessings, the archbishop, Monsignor Tasca, the imam Salah Hussein, because the tragedy did not look anyone in the face, Catholics, atheists, Muslims, therefore the institutions, Bucci and the president of the Region Giovanni Toti.

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Among the family members Paola Vicini, Mirko’s mother, the parents and brother of Luigi Matti Altadonna, Emmanuel Diaz, Henry’s brother. “I spend every day below, but not above. My son flew off that bridge,” said Giuseppe Matti Altadonna, father of Luigi, one of the 43 victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge. The son was 33 years old. “Today – he added as he reached the opening ceremony of the Clearing of Memory – I feel a mixture of anger and sadness. It was an announced tragedy”.

The mayor instead recalled the issue of safety. “Today the day will be all for the memory of the victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge _ were the words of Bucci _ also the plaque that we will discover in Tursi has this meaning, but today another message must start from Genoa, a warning, so that find the human, financial and technological resources to ensure that the infrastructures are not only beautiful but also safe “. Prosecutor Cozzi has chosen not to speak. “Today I’m just silent.”

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