Home » today » World » Pompeo lifts restrictions on US and Taiwan, Zhao Lijian responded with these 12 words-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-National Trends

Pompeo lifts restrictions on US and Taiwan, Zhao Lijian responded with these 12 words-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-National Trends

Sino-U.S. relations were subject to fierce shocks more than ten years before the end of the Trump administration. U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo recently announced the lifting of “self-restrictions on exchanges between US and Taiwan officials.” In response to a regular press conference on Monday (11th), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said, “Pompeo and his like” are advised to recognize historical trends, stop manipulating Taiwan-related issues, stop perversely, and don’t follow the wrong and dangerous path. Going farther and farther; he also gave Pompeo a strong final warning in 12 words-otherwise he would be severely punished by history.

Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference on the 11th and was asked: Mike Pompeo will lift restrictions on US-Taiwan exchanges, and an official of the Joe Biden transition team said that he will continue to support him once he takes office. Solve the Taiwan issue in a way that conforms to the wishes of the Taiwan people and in the best interests of the Taiwanese people. what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

In response, Zhao Lijian stated that China firmly opposes the above-mentioned actions by the US and strongly condemns them. “There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. This is a basic fact recognized by the international community and a basic norm of international relations.”

Zhao said Pompeo and his like should be corrected

He then reiterated the historical background, saying that the U.S. government had made serious commitments to China on the Taiwan issue; the “Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the U.S.” published on December 16, 1978 clearly stated that the U.S. recognizes the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legal for China. The government, within this scope, the American people will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan; the United States should believe in its words, and must not use any excuses to misinterpret or deviate.

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Zhao Lijian also pointed out that the so-called “Taiwan Relations Act” of the US seriously violates the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués. China has firmly opposed it from the beginning. Regarding the Taiwan issue, what the United States should abide by is the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, not the “Taiwan Relations Act” unilaterally pursued by the United States.

He emphasized that the Taiwan issue has always been the most important and most sensitive core issue in Sino-US relations; the one-China principle is the political foundation of Sino-US relations and a prerequisite for the establishment and development of diplomatic relations between the two sides.

We urge the US to abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US Joint Communiqués, and stop any words and deeds that enhance US-Taiwan relations and strengthen military ties with Taiwan. We advise Pompeo and his like to recognize historical trends, stop manipulating Taiwan issues, stop perversely, and don’t go further and further down the wrong and dangerous road, otherwise they will be severely punished by history.

In addition, Zhao Lijian was also asked about Pompeo’s repeated tweets on the 8th of this month criticizing the Chinese Communist Party’s policies and positions on religion, human rights, Tibet-related issues, and Xinjiang-related issues, and said that the relevant actions against China were “Legacy” during his tenure. What is China’s comment?

“Otherwise, history will be severely punished.”

Zhao Lijian responded, “What Pompeo left behind is not a so-called “heritage”, but a legacy? His biggest so-called “heritage” is “lie diplomacy.”

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He said that Pompeo not only planned to implement “lie diplomacy,” but also maliciously created and spread a “political virus.” Pompeo did more damage to the relationship between the United States and other countries and to the image and reputation of the United States than any other time in U.S. history. There are many governments.

“Any attempt to position China’s policy as a transformation or even subversion of China is an “impossible task” and is doomed to failure,” said Zhao Lijian.

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Editor in charge: Deng Guoqiang

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