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Pompeii issued a sad find. The bodies of two victims of the hellish rage of Mount Vesuvius

“Two skeletons of individuals caught by the volcanic eruption have been found,” representatives of an archeological site near Naples said in their declaration.

A slave and his master

So far, scientists believe that these are the remains of a young slave and a more affluent older man around the age of 40, who probably owned the said slave. They infer from the remnants of clothing and the physical appearance of both bodies.

The city of Pompeii was covered with volcanic ash after the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Under the ash crust, the virtually intact appearance of one of the richest cities of the Roman Empire, which made Pompeii immediately a world-famous and popular scientific and tourist destination, was visited by almost four million people last year alone, over a gap of two thousand years.

The huge site of 44 hectares hides a number of buildings and structures that have been preserved in an almost intact state under a layer of ash, including the coiled bodies of the victims.

Previously, three horses were found in the same place

The new two skeletons were found during ongoing excavations in Civita Giuliana, about 700 meters northwest of Pompeii. Both bodies were found in a villa overlooking the Gulf of Naples, which had previously housed horse stables and the bodies of three tethered horses, who unfortunately had no way to escape destruction.

Source: Youtube

The new find was hidden in an underground side arched covered corridor, which archaeologists refer to as “cryptoporticus”. It is a relatively typical element of Roman buildings of this period. It is likely that both men sought refuge in this corridor from a raging volcano and falling ashes.

After uncovering their remains, the scientists picked up the skeletons for analysis, and gypsum was poured into their imprint in hardened ash, a technique invented by Giuseppe Fiorelli in 1867, according to AFP. The plaster cast preserves and displays the shapes of the bodies of both victims in the position in which they were found, ie lying on their backs.

Excavations in Pompeii continue, but tourism has now stopped temporarily due to measures against the spread of coronavirus disease.

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