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Polylithic: A Colorful Prehistoric Crafting Survival Game – Coming Soon to PC

This February, we wrote about the Czech game FFF from the Zlín team Polyperfect (official Web) and already then we mentioned that the same studio is also preparing a prehistoric game Polylithic. It received an official formal presentation a few days ago, even though we have known about it for some time and it was shown, for example, at Game Access, where its artistic side was appreciated. Along with the announcement, we can also see a fresh video.

As the name suggests, we will go to the older Stone Age. We will become the new chief of the tribe, which has caught a mysterious disease. The game is set in the period 12 thousand years ago. Life here is hard but happy. But an epidemic changes everything, decimating your people and you wonder if those who fell from the sky brought it… The current leader is too old, weak and tired to try to find answers. So it is the turn of a young successor who is destined to lead the tribe into a happier future.

Polylithic is a 3rd person crafting survival game bursting with color and low poly graphics, which studio Polyperfect specializes in as an asset creator. The player must collect resources, hunt, craft items, try new technologies, explore the world and take care of his camp. But add a dash of science fiction to all of this. You need to have enough things for your tribe to survive, it needs to grow and its members should be happy. In this way, you take care of the needs of your people, but at the same time you assign them tasks. You will go into the wilderness and visit forests, mountains and wild rivers. And in the process, you will learn more not only about the tribes that were here before you, but also about your own and its origin. All is said to be not as it seems in this prehistoric wilderness. There are secrets to discover and pieces of the story to piece together. Only then will you discover the source of the disease plaguing your tribe.

Polylithic should arrive on PC in the third quarter of this year. Starts at Steam in early access, where she should spend approximately a year. Of course, the full version will traditionally offer more content, a complete story, additional functions, environment and animals. The price of the game should also gradually increase. Naturally, the title should already offer the main functions when early access is launched.

2023-07-30 06:45:38
#Czech #game #Polylithic #takes #prehistoric #times #Vortex

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