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Pollution Hazards for Children’s Lung Breathing and How to Prevent It – Solopos.com

SOLOPOS.COM – Illustration of a child using a nebulizer. (Freepik)

Solopos.com, SOLO-Know the dangers of air pollution to children’s respiratory health which is very important for the physical growth and future of children. To maintain the growth and development of your little one, see the reviews on parenting tips this time.

Problematic lungs can interfere with children being smart and energetic. According to a report from WHO, children inhale more pollutants than adults. Now and children, the report says, have a higher resting metabolism, meaning they breathe in more air at rest and have a higher rate of oxygen consumption per unit of body weight.

As a parent, of course, it is very important to maintain environmental health and also understand children’s sensitivity to pollution.

Following are a number of respiratory health problems in children that parents need to know, quoted from Oransi and Bisnis.com on Tuesday (5/9/2023):

1. Asma

This condition causes obstruction of the respiratory tract and makes it difficult for sufferers to breathe. Asthma generally causes narrowing of the airways due to a buildup of mucus in the inside of the throat, inflammation of the inner tissues or narrowing of the muscles surrounding the airways.

It is also possible for several problems to occur at once, for example a child with asthma may develop inflammation of the deep tissues as well as muscle restriction, which will lead to a severe reduction in lung function.

2. Allergic Rhinitis

Another respiratory health problem in children is allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis occurs when the body’s immune system attacks substances it perceives as harmful, even though these substances do not pose a threat to overall health.

Allergic rhinitis can be an allergy to dust, pet dander, or pollen. If children are allergic to airborne substances, it can cause serious problems to their comfort, activity level and overall health.

3. Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is characterized by the buildup of sticky mucus in the lungs and other organs. When mucus builds up in the lungs, it traps bacteria and can eventually lead to infection and even long-term lung damage, as well as decreased lung function.

Although much less common than allergies or asthma, cystic fibrosis can be very dangerous for children. It is characterized by persistent coughing, frequent lung infections, wheezing, shortness of breath, and stunted growth children, although the diet is sufficient. This condition is a genetic disorder and the diagnosis needs to be made by a trained medical professional.


COPD is often thought of as a disease that affects the elderly, but it turns out that this disease also impacts lung function and interferes with children’s respiratory health.

COPD is caused by various factors, including exposure to smoke and environmental factors such as chemicals and dust. In general, parents do not want their children to get any disease. However, the deteriorating air conditions in the environment make children unable to avoid respiratory problems.

This article was published on Bisnis.com with the title Pollution Hazards for Children’s Lung Breathing and How to Prevent It

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2023-09-05 14:30:00
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